Zoho PageSense - Cookie Policy

About our cookie policy

At Zoho PageSense, we use cookies to identify and analyze your visitors' data when they land on your website. This cookie policy is a declaration (or consent) to users on what cookies we add to your website, what visitor metrics we track, for what purpose, and how your users may opt out of the cookies. This cookie policy is part of our privacy policy, which also includes additional details about our information collection and usage.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small text file that is stored on your computer by web browser or other internet-connected device when you visit a website. Cookies are used to track information about your web browser and may have several functions, including remembering login details, language preference, time or date, and other visitor metrics. They’re completely safe and can't be used to run programs or deliver viruses to your device. You can learn more about cookies here (external link).

Why does Zoho PageSense use cookies?

PageSense uses cookies to identify individual visitors and their behavior on your website. These cookies determine whether the visitor is part of an experiment, track visitor views over a variation and let serve the same variation to the visitor consistently over multiple visits, and, finally, track completed goals. They are also used to accelerate your future activities on your website. We use different types of cookies, local storage objects, and similar technologies, each storing a different set of data. These cookies do not interfere with the loading or functioning of the web page at all. Also, they collect information that does not personally identify anyone.

Current list of cookies

The following cookies are placed in the visitor's browser to track and test website visitor activity.

First-party Cookies

These identify and store cookie data on a web browser within the same domain, on which the PageSense tracking code is installed and fired.

Cookie NameInformation StoredGeneration StateExpiry PeriodPurpose
zft-sdcThis cookie stores metadata (entrances, source, etc) of a session which is used by full tracking. Sets on our users' visitor's browser when they visit our user's website which has the code/snippet included. 1 yearThis cookie helps to identify whether this is the first request to server. This also identifies the entrance page & contains source information for session calculation purpose.
zsc{projectkey}This cookie stores on our users' visitor's browser when they visit our user's website which has the code/snippet included.Sets when a new session is started in full tracking. It is also used to identify the current session for full tracking. 1 yearThis cookie is set to identify the current session.
(stores a random alphanumeric string of length 7 or 32)
This cookie stores details such as the experiment key, variation key, and additional user data (such as browser used, user agent info, etc.) for your a/b test.Sets when the a/b test is configured with a custom or pageview goal into it.Expires once the session is over (when the website tab is closed).Used to track successful custom/pageview goal conversions obtained in the same domain.
zabUserIDThis cookie stores a unique user key for every visitor reaching the website.Sets when a user visits for the first time.1 yearUsed for identifying individual visitors along with the status of new and returning visitors.


This cookie stores details like experiment key, variation key, and additional user data (such as browser used, user agent info, etc.) for your Split URL experiments.Sets when the experiment URL and variation URL are from the same domain. And, when a particular variation is selected for the split URL experiment.5 secsUsed for sending the experiment and visitor information to the server upon redirection.
zabBucketThis cookie stores details like experiment key and its corresponding variation key for you a/b or split URL experiments.Sets when the user's URL matches with the experiment URL. And if the target audience is satisfied.1 year

Used to consistently serve visitors the same variation of the test they've seen before.


This cookie stores the experiment key for your heatmap experiments.

Sets when the user's URL matches with the experiment URL.

1 yearUsed for identifying the exact heatmap experiment to be tracked on the web page.


This cookie saves the bot's score. This value is used to identify if a visitor is a bot or a real user. It helps in detecting and managing automated traffic.

Sets when a new user visits for the first time.

1 yearThe purpose of this cookie is to detect and control bot traffic. It helps protect the website's data accuracy and ensures bots don’t interfere with analytics.

(stores a random alphanumeric string of length 7 or 32)

This cookie stores a visit key for the first-time visitor landing in a funnel analysis experiment.

Sets when the user's URL matches with the experiment URL or when the custom event of a funnel step is triggered.

1 monthUsed for deriving the path taken by the visitor and the number of visitors that dropped off while traversing through the funnel.

(stores a random alphanumeric string of length 7 or 32)

This cookie stores details like experiment key and user data (such as browser used, user agent info, etc.) for your form analytics experiments.Sets when the experiment URL and conversion URL are from the same domain.1 hourUsed for tracking actual user conversions.

zsr {expkey}
(stores a random alphanumeric string of length 7 or 32)

This cookie stores a session key for your session recording experiments.

Sets when a user's URL matches with the experiment URL.2 hoursUsed for mapping all the user actions performed within a session.
zabmeThis cookie stores the experiment key of your a/b or split URL experiment chosen from a mutually exclusive group.Sets once a mutually exclusive group is created.1 year

Used for serving the same experiment within a mutually exclusive group, the user has seen before.

zsd{sessionId} (stores a random alphanumeric string of length 32)This cookie stores the session's metadata for your session recording experiments.Sets once after the user start interacting on a web page's session.2 hours

Used for identifying the start time, last interacted time, and number of pages visited for a session.


This cookie stores the sequence key for your session recording experiments.

Sets once the user starts interacting on a web page's session.2 hoursUsed to keep track of duplicate payloads (session data).


This cookie stores the experience key for your personalization experiments.Sets when the experience is selected in a personalization experiment and is of type redirection1 yearUsed to consistently serve visitors the same experience they have seen before.


This cookie stores details like the experiment key, experience key, and user data (such as browser used, user agent info, etc.) for your personalization experiments.Sets when the experiment URL and experience URL are from the same domain and is of type redirection.1 yearUsed for sending the experiment and visitor information to the server upon redirection.

zia_ {projectkey}

This cookie stores the identity API details of individual visitors on your website.

Sets once the website owner provides the user's information.

1 yearUsed to avoid sending the same visitor data multiple times to the server.

zpc< projectkey>

This cookie stores the visitors' response to the website's privacy policy.Sets when the visitor makes a choice of privacy consent.1 yearUsed to ensure that the banner does not reappear to the same visitor on your website.


This cookie stores the granted and denied permission value of the visitor for your web push notification experiments.

Sets when the user lands on the website with push notification enabled in it.

1 year

Used to identify and update the push notification status of the subscriber on your website.

(stores a random alphanumeric string of length 7 or 32)

This cookie stores details like the number of times a popup is displayed, the time when the cookie was created, and the popup completion status by individual visitors on your website.

Sets when the user's URL matches with the URL type configured in your popup experiment.

1 year

Used to track user impressions and whether they respond to a popup.


This cookie stores the session's metadata on your website

Sets when a user visits your site for the first time.

1 year

Used for activating your experiment based on a given trigger condition.

zpspolls_" +{exp_id}

This cookie stores details like the number of times a poll was shown, whether the poll was completed, and the time it was created for your polls experiment.

Sets when the user's URL matches with the poll URL.

1 year

Used for tracking user actions such as impressions, answered/unanswered polls, and other poll parameters.


This cookie stores the experiment key for your polls experiments.

Sets when the user's URL matches with the poll URL.

1 year

Used for identifying the polls experiment to be served on the web page.

"zpspb" + {exp_id}

This cookie stores details like the number of times a popup was displayed, the time when the cookie was created, and the popup completion status by individual visitors on your website.

Sets when the user's URL matches with the popup URL.

1 year

Used for tracking user actions like impressions and answered/unanswered popups.


This cookie stores the experiment key for your popup experiment.

Sets when the user's URL matches with the popup URL.

1 year

Used for identifying the popup experiment to be served on the web page.

"zpssr" + {current time in milliseconds}

This cookie stores the same cookie name and cookie value for your session recording experiment.

Sets when the session recording experiment is running on the website.

Gets deleted immediately after identification of the top level domain.

Used to identify the top level domain in your session recording experiment.

Third-party Cookies

These identify recurring visitors on a web browser across different domains and store cookie data under the domain called "cdn.pagesense.io".

Cookie NameInformation StoredGeneration StateExpiry PeriodPurpose

(stores a random alphanumeric string of length 7 or 32)

This cookie stores details such as the experiment key, variation key, and additional user data (such as browser used, user agent info, etc.) for your a/b tests.

Sets when the a/b test is configured with a custom or pageview goal into it.

1 year

Used to track successful custom/pageview goal conversions obtained across different domains.


This cookie stores experiment details like experiment key, variation key, and additional user data (such as browser used, user agent info, etc.) for your Split URL tests.

Sets when the variations are from different domains. And, when a particular variation is selected in the split URL experiment.

1 year

Used for identifying the exact split experiment and its corresponding variation URL for returning visitor.

zab_ {expkey}

This cookie stores details like the experiment key and user data (such as browser used, user agent info, etc.) for your form analytics experiments.

Sets when the experiment URL and confirmation URL are from different domains. And, if the user submits the form.

1 hour

Used for tracking actual form conversions.


This cookie stores text content like bannerpopup, sidepopup, and nopopup when push notifications are enabled in PageSense's project.Sets when the user lands on the website with the push notification.Used for deciding whether to show or hide the notification box and maintain its position on a website.


This cookie stores details like the experiment key, experience key, and user data (such as browser used, user agent info, etc.) for your personalization experiment.

Sets when the experience URL and experience URL are from different domains. And, if the audience parameter matches with the respective personalization experience.

1 yearUsed for identifying and redirecting users to consistently show the same experience.

These store visitor data locally within the visitor's browser.

Cookie NameInformation StoredGeneration StateExpiry PeriodPurpose

This cookie stores the session's data on a local storage system for your session recording experiments.

Sets when the user starts interacting on a web page.

No expiryUsed to resend canceled or failed requests and prevent data loss during session recording.

(stores a random alphanumeric string of length 7 or 32)

This cookie stores experiment key and additional user data (such as browser used, user agent info, etc.) on a local storage system for your session recording experiments.

Sets once the user starts interacting on a web page.

No expiry

Used for identifying and keeping track of a visitor's data during a session.


These store visitor data for a session as long as a web browser is open or the web page is refreshed.

Cookie NameInformation StoredGeneration StateExpiry PeriodPurpose

This cookie stores the tab ID for your session recording experiments.

Sets when a user visits for the first time.

Cleared once after the browser tab is closed.

Used for mapping all the user actions performed within the respective tabs for a session.

Opt out of cookie-based tracking(applicable ONLY for session recording)

PageSense provides the option to allow your visitors to choose if they either want to "opt-in or opt-out" of cookie-based tracking on your website. This option is limited to the Session Recording experiment. However, for all the other experiments or tests run on your website, the cookies will be automatically set and will start tracking the required user information without an opt out choice.

By giving your visitors the choice to accept or decline cookies (while recording a session), you will keep them aware of the information being tracked and collected. We strongly recommend this as a good practice.

Updating our cookie policy

To keep up with changing rules and best practices, we may revise this cookie policy at any time by posting a revised version on this page. So please check back periodically to stay aware of updates. Also, note that the PageSense cookie and privacy policy complies with EU cookie laws and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Any questions or concerns?

If you have any questions or concerns about this cookie policy or our use of cookies on your website, please write to us at support@zohopagesense.com.