Astrologer Sydney

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Zodiac signs originated in the collective consciousness over 2000 years ago.

The ancient Babylonians recognised there were around 12 new moons over the course of a year.

And so they divided the path of the Sun into 12 constellations.

Shamans talk of how the plants speak to them, teaching them how to make Ayahuasca to help open people’s awareness.

It could be said that the collective consciousness spoke to ancient astronomers having them map symbols onto the stars that captured that zodiac sign's essence. For example, Cancer represents the crab being the protective nurturer while its opposite sign, Capricorn, represents the goat with its desire to climb and strive.

Your zodiac or Sun sign is just one of many signs that make up a birth chart.

Our birth chart is a snapshot of the sky of the moment you were born.

It is an important piece of the puzzle, signifying your evolutionary growth in this lifetime.

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Astrology Chart Reading

  • Soul Blueprint Reading

    Having never experienced a Numerology reading or Astrology Reading before, I did not know what to expect. I went in completely open and Marcus really helped shine a light on myself, and showed me things about my inner workings that I were not even conscious of, but upon reflection were very true. Having had a soul blueprint with Marcus, I feel a sense of drive, curiosity and eagerness to challenge myself like never before to reach further than I ever thought I could ever get to. I feel empowered and much more confident in my past and the possibilities of my future. - Craig D

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Astrology Report

After expanding upon Carl Jung’s exploration of personality typing, Isabel Briggs Myers pronounced:

“Whatever the circumstances of your life, the understanding of your personality type can make your perceptions clearer, your judgments sounder, and your life closer to your heart’s desire.”

The same can be said for understanding your soul blueprint, which includes your astrology chart also known as a natal chart.

If we boiled it down to 3 reasons why it can be invaluable to work with an astrologist they would be

#1 Gaining greater self-understanding and awareness of one's strengths and direction in life.

#2 Appreciation of our unique challenges, blindspots and karmic patterns to overcome

#3 Negating the separation myth to move into a worldview of interconnection and mystique

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As author Katherine May found her life stagnant based on the rationalistic model she expressed the desire for other viewpoints and a return to enchantment, saying:

"I need to change. I need to soften, to let go of my tight empirical boundaries, to find a greater fluidity in my being. I’m seeking what the poet John Keats called negative capability, that intuitive mode of thought that allows us to reside in “uncertainties, Mysteries, doubts, without any irritable reaching after fact & reason.” The subtle magic of the world offers comfort, but I don’t know how to receive it.

birth chart readings

I have lost some fundamental part of my knowing, some elemental human feeling. Without it, the world feels like tap water left overnight, flat and chemical, devoid of life. I am like lightning seeking earth. Uneasy, I carry the prickle of potential energy in my limbs, ever deferred from the point of contact, the moment of release. Instead, it gathers in me, massing like a storm that never comes. I lack the language to even describe it, this vast unsettled sense that I am slipping over the glassy surface of things, afraid of what lurks beneath. I need a better way to walk through this life. I want to be enchanted again.

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Enchantment is small wonder magnified through meaning, fascination caught in the web of fable and memory. It relies on small doses of awe, almost homeopathic: those quiet traces of fascination that are found only when we look for them. It is the sense that we are joined together in one continuous thread of existence with the elements constituting this earth, and that there is a potency trapped in this interconnection, a tingle on the border of our perception. It is the forgotten seam in our geology, the elusive particle that binds our unstable matter."

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Astrology in Science

Dethroning Hyper Rationalism

The sun and the moon appear to be around the same size when we look at them in the sky. This is because the sun is around 400 times further away than the moon and around 400 times larger.

We also experience eclipses when a particular new moon and the sun come together.

Mythologist Joseph Campbell once said, 'If you want to change the world, change the metaphor.’

It could be argued that living on the only planet we know where the sun and moon appear the same size and where we experience eclipses, symbolises that we are all taking part in an evolutionary journey that is equal parts solar and lunar, masculine and feminine.

Looking back through history, too much lunar focus led to the dominance of religion and all of the damage that came with that.

More recently, the polar swing has led to the solar approach of rationalism and materialism dominating the dance between ego and soul.

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Indigenous cultures lived in harmony with the natural environment for millennia, engendering healthy communities that contributed to life and evolution.

Our modern, industrialised culture inculcates a survival of the fittest/everyone for themselves mentality that causes us to harm ourselves, each other and annihilate the world that conceived and sustains us.

Take the example of hurricanes.

In 1959, hundreds of scientists gathered at San Fransisco to discuss what they could do with nuclear weapons. One suggestion was to detonate them in the eye of a hurricane to try and derail storms. Fortunately, the masculine approach was tempered by the realisation that radioactive storms don’t really benefit anyone.

Consider how nature adopts a more feminine, cooperative approach.

Mangroves grow along the barrier between land and sea on subtropical and tropical coastlines and are routinely flooded as the tide rises and retreats. Mangroves absorb the water that hurricanes unleash. Storms strip their leaves and uproot or snap trees into pieces. The result is a blanket of fine, grey soil rich in nutrients. This sediment layer fertilisers the roots of the mangroves helping to build up soil elevation. Their growth counters rising sea levels.

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But with modern society removing greenery and encroaching more in flood prone land we destroy the natural protection of the ecosystem. And with every increase in the sea level and temperature rise, the possibility of future storms increase.

Birth Chart Readings

Eckhart Tolle spoke of how human cleverness (ego) divides whereas intelligence (collective consciousness) bonds:

The ego may be clever, but it is not intelligent. Cleverness pursues its own little aims. Intelligence sees the larger whole in which all things are connected. Cleverness is motivated by self-interest, and it is extremely short-sighted.

Sogyal Rinpoche captured the inability of our egos to recognise how imbalanced we have become, saying:

The ordinary mind has a false, dull stability, a smug and self-protective inertia, a stone-like calm of ingrained habits.

Astrology offers a different perspective from the nihilistic worldview that rationalistic science tends to offer. It is one of many tools we can draw on to move beyond the old paradigm and into one that is more inclusive, restorative and interconnecting.

As went enter the Age of Aquarius we enter a more scientific age, but one that is progressive and more humanitarian. The emergence of quantum physics continues to perplex old school scientists wanting concrete explanations for the mysteries.

Evolutionary astrology allows us to recognise intelligent design not just in the cosmos but in our soul’s growth. As Einstein famously pointed out:

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Astrology Courses

Our astrology courses introduce you to the essential components of astrology while helping you understand your own chart through personal mentoring. Take our astrology course online or face to face at our retreat centre.

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    Astrology Readings

    • Sydney Astrologist

      Marcus has a great little yurt in his backyard overlooking the Bush and it is lovely. The reading he gave me was really insightful. It's given me really useful insights but also, pragmatic steps. Where I was holding back, I'm confident now to step forward. I know what to do. Definitely recommend meeting up with Marcus.- Gabby K
    • Numerologist Reading

      I never knew how numerology has an influence upon the story of my life, that was until I met Marcus who explained so much about my numbers and how they relate to me. The greatest benefit of numerology for me was the gift of insight. - Lisa P
    • Holistic Reading

      Marcus helped me redirect my energy and focus with plenty of inspiration, curiosity and plenty to think about. Most importantly, his holistic approach helped to ease some anxiety about my path and choices up to this day, with a clearer understanding of where I am heading. Thank you for your insights, knowledge and generosity! - Mani C
    • Astrologist Reading

      After a few days of gentle conversation and insights shared from psychology and numerology, a whole bunch of new truths came to the fore. I feel changed because of these discoveries and I can’t wait to write these new depths of meaning into my narrative. - Rosslyn L
    • Soul Retreat

      Was very happy with my retreat experience. It was great to have a one on one experience. I received a lot of insight into many things and was pleasantly surprised with the accuracy of tarot, numerology and astrology. ~ Kerry S
    • Best Astrologer in Sydney

      I wanted someone who could do numerology readings and astrology readings when I came across Marcus. It was my first time seeing a numerologist and I loved how much self-knowledge was available in my numerology chart. I’d seen an astrologist before but appreciated having both done and highly recommend getting your soul blueprint done to help discover what you’ve come to learn and where your hidden strengths lie. ~ Magda K

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