Wellness Retreats Reviews

How To Start Your Own Business

conscious business

I have learned that we can channel our deepest creative impulses in loving ways toward fulfilling our higher purposes, and help evolve the world to a better place. ― John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods

Courses On How To Start Your Own Business 

I offer two courses for people who are looking to earn their livelihood from self-employment or develop a side business to complement their wages.

Birth Your Business is designed to help you clarify your business idea and introduce you to the foundations of starting your business.

Boost Your Business is a course for those who have either done my foundation course or have an existing business which they wish to grow.

Conscious Business

The majority of people realise that the old paradigm of business as usual only leads to the wholesale destruction of our species.

Change is occurring within the existing model from conscious capitalists such as John Mackey or Richard Florida (who aptly titled his book how The Great Reset Will Change the Way We Live and Work), journalists such as Anand Giridharadas and a host of change agents that have been dubbed cultural creatives.

The documentary “The New Corporation” is an inspiring work replete with stories of resistance and change from around the world.


Conscious Business - Our Location

conscious business center
Blue Mountains Retreat on the Outskirts of Sydney
how to start your own business
A digital marketing course in a natural setting
conscious business consulting
walking distance to the Spectacular minni haha falls
conscious capitalism
An ideal space in Nature to formulate your ideas

Details About The Boost Your Business Program

How to Start Your Own Businesses 

Consider embarking on this Blue Mountains Retreat in order to

✴︎ Grow Your New or Existing Business

✴︎ Obtain Practical Help With Branding & Marketing Your Business Venture

✴︎ Work 1 On 1 With A Business Coach To Obtain Fresh Perspective

Program Outline:

Day 1

Morning Session

Our first session involves exploring key concepts of digital marketing, surveying the current landscape for businesses and looking at the most effective marketing strategies.

Mid Morning Session

The following session covers best practices of design and layout when it comes to marketing your brand digitally. It also covers having an online store.


Afternoon Session

Determining how people will find your products or services is one of the most fundamental areas to master if you want to see your business thrive. We will delve into this in great detail during our third session.

Mid Afternoon Session

The final focus of day one will revolve around social media channels and determining which channels best showcase your business and how to drive more traffic to your sites.

Dinner (or the option for you to take in one of the local dining facilities)

Optional evening session (immersive, non writing activities)

Day 2

Morning Session

Ranking highly in Google search results is arguably the most effective way to see your business flourish. We will delve into the factors which make up search results and create a plan to help your rankings climb.

Mid Morning Session

This session looks at optimising your digital marketing pages and learning how to promote your products and services.


Afternoon Session

Monitoring your marketing efforts is essential if you desire to see your business expand. You will learn how to analyse marketing data in order to tweak your approach.

Mid Afternoon Session

Our final session will explore the technical aspects of a website and help you formulate a plan going forward.

spiritual retreat nsw

Included in your package is an optional stand up paddleboarding session, mountain bike ride or bush walk at the end of day 1 of your program (weather permitting).

Cost: $590 for a 2 day weekend program or $540 for a 2 day weekday program

Inclusions: Accommodation, meals, workbooks and personal mentoring/debriefing

Location: Katoomba, Blue Mountains NSW *also available via Zoom for those wanting to do small business courses online


What Entrepreneurial Clients Are Saying

  • Katoomba Blue Mountains Retreat - Review
  • Katoomba Blue Mountains Retreat - Review

    After taking part in the Writes of passage 'Birth your Business' retreat in the lovely setting of Katoomba in the Blue Mountains, I can't speak highly enough of Marcus and his program. I was so impressed and grateful to Marcus for his thorough mentorship as he offers a fountain of experience and information about getting your business off the ground and into the digital world. If you have a business idea that you would like to share with the world but are confused about how to get started than this is the program you need to take. - Anthony M

Retreats NSW

Combine a trip to the Blue Mountains with one of our range of wellness retreats

Art Retreat

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Discover your creative potential and explore a variety of artistic mediums


Astrology Retreat

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An introduction to astrology where you learn about the zodiacs planets, signs, houses and how they impact one another.


Birth Your Business Retreat

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A new small business is started every 100 seconds. Learn how to take your passions and make your livelihood doing what you love.


Boost Your Business

courses on how to start your own business

Grow a conscious business and be part of the change.


Breath Work Retreat

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Intensive 2 and 3 day breathwork programs to help you release trauma and energy blockages.


Career Retreat

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Take a mini sabbatical to determine your ideal career & how to actualise it.

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Couples Therapy Retreat

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A program to enrich or revive one's relationship.


Family Constellations

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Explore your Internal Family Systems to liberate yourself from inherited beliefs and intergenerational trauma.

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Health Retreat

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Our health retreat takes a holistic approach to optimise your body, mind and emotional health.


Healing Retreat

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The healing retreat takes you through a range of modalities such as energetic healing, breathwork, transpersonal counselling & more.


Life Purpose Retreat

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Finding your life purpose is like the hub of a wheel, everything radiates out from it.


Love Retreat

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Instead of gaming love, master the game of love by understanding your core needs and the stumbling blocks between you and a lasting, enriching connection.


Maiden to Mother Retreat

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An initiation to heal and move beyond the maiden phase of development

and into the strength and centreness of the mother.

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Men's Retreat / Women's Retreat

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Integrate your divine feminine and divine masculine to find inner wholeness,

sustain fulfilling relationships and obtain greater life direction.

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Mental Health Retreat

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A healing program that explores the mother/father wounding and other limiting imprints.


Midlife Crisis Retreat

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Midlife crisis presents us with a great opportunity to transition from the morning of life into the afternoon of life.

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Mystical Retreat

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A week long intensive where you learn astrology, numerology, tarot & sacred geometry.


Rewilding Retreat

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Recalibrate with nature, technology, yourself & your place in the world.


Sacred Geometry Course 

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Create sacred geometry, learn the 9 numerology archetypes and explore your soul blueprint.

sacred geometry workshop INFORMATION

Self Discovery Retreat

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A retreat centred around understanding yourself at the deepest level to integrate who you are with the life you live.


Self Love Retreat

solo retreat 

Our self-love retreat is ideal for singles working on relationship patterns and for those who could use some self care and greater appreciation for who they are & what they have to offer the world.


Silent Retreat

silent retreats blue mountains  

Our silent retreats help you attain greater clarity through a calmer mind and clearer perspective.


Spiritual Awakening Retreat

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A program to explore spiritual awakening and the process of understanding & expressing your soul aspect.

Spiritual RETREAT - learn more

Tarot Retreat

tarot retreat

A Jungian retreat exploring the major arcana #0-3.

Depth psychology & archetypal integration through a tarot course.

tarot course INFORMATION

Wealth Retreat

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Take a holistic approach to money management and the psychology of money.


Wellbeing Retreat

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A holistic retreat involving creative expression, life guidance, relationship exploration & a range of activities such as astrology/numerology readings, tarot, breathwork, transpersonal counselling & more.


Writing Retreat

writing retreat

Each of us has a unique and interesting story to share. This program looks at writing your life story beginning with childhood.

Writing Retreat information

Writing Retreat (Adolescence)

nsw writers retreat

 We each have an interesting and story to share. This program looks at writing your life story with an exploration of adolescence.


Yoga Retreat 

blue mountains yoga retreat

Discover eastern wisdoms such as yoga, mediation, chakras, ayurveda and more.


blue mountains retreats

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