Wellness Retreats Reviews

Silent Retreat

 silent retreat

The novelist Arthur Miller once said, "It is rare for people to be asked the question which puts them squarely in front of themselves.” In a nutshell, this is the essence behind our silent retreat. It is not designed to be a temporary respite from busyness and noise but an opportunity to recalibrate and align with who you really are on the deepest level.

During the 1850s, Henry David Thoreau became the pioneer of western silence retreats publishing the account of his experience in his memoir, Walden.

As the pressures of modern life and the reach of technology grows, many of us feel overwhelmed by the bombardment of calls, texts, emails and social media. Constant connection and noise have led to the rise of what is known as a Digital Detox Retreat, where we crave to unplug and get away. When noise equates to stress, silence is peace. Shutting down communications can go a long way in helping restore equanimity.

Purposeful silence has become a burgeoning travel trend as people yearn to be in silent meditation.

Some of us find freedom in not talking to hearing anyone talk. Others pine for quiet with hotels designing noise-free zones, triple-paned glass and soundproof walls. Then there are those of us that want to be soothed by the sounds and images of nature, be it forest bathing or indulging in blue mind — the therapeutic benefits of spending time in or near water.

In 1986, Carlo Petrini protested the opening of a McDonald's restaurant in Rome that sparked the creation of the slow food movement. This cultural shift toward slowing down life's pace has created offshoots such as minimalism. Silent retreats are a way of countering time poverty. Silence lets us focus on inner calm rather than the outward trappings of daily life.

meditation retreat blue mountains

Meditation Retreat Blue Mountains

  • Meditation Retreat Sydney

    What a wonderful little place to recenter! I was warmly welcomed and was shown to my cute little cabin that was warm, cute and cosy. Over the course of two days I gained so much clarity around my circumstances. It really confirmed how important it is to stay in alignment with who you are. If you need a break or help with the direction your life is going this is the place for you :)- Christina H.
  • Silent Meditation Retreat

    This retreat was exactly what I needed as someone at the start of their spiritual journey. My hosts were both so calming and knowledgeable. The round dwelling house is filled with heart warming art, books, cards and yoga/meditation items. I decided to switch off from the outside world to explore various teachings on my consciousness journey. The fresh wholesome food provided was delicious. I was given plenty of time to myself to soak everything in my own time. I will definitely be back for many of the other events and retreats available here. ~ Sage M
  • Silent Meditation Retreat Sydney

    This was my first retreat experience and I didn’t know much what expect. And it really was far beyond my expectations! After the retreat I feel more energised and with a sense of direction in my life. I feel loveable and in peace. Some learnings we get in life are priceless... And also, my bedroom was so cute, so comfy, had amazing view, birds singing, so inspiring… Everything so perfect! ~ Denise C
  • Blue Mountain Meditation Retreat

    The space is lovely and calming, and the information and guidance provided is tailored to you. It was just what I needed after feeling burnt out and exhausted. I now feel so much better. I'd highly recommend this retreat. ~ Vicki N

Silent Retreat Sydney

What is a Silent Wellness Retreat?

Imagine the opposite of a schoolie’s summer vacation on the Gold Coast.

A quiet retreat is an opportunity to experience the deep silence removed from outside noise, other people, screens and the chatter of our conscious mind.

They range in length depending on your time constraints and your readiness from longer periods of inner stillness.

Some people graduate from a weekend meditation retreat to tackle a Vipassana retreat, which is a 10 day silent retreat program offered around the world. Vipassana means "to see things as they really are.” Vipassana meditation offers self-transformation through self-observation. For those with little or no exposure to days of stillness and silence, this might be something to work towards to gain the most benefit.

Some silent retreats focus on 10 hours or more of dedicated meditation. Many incorporate yoga or walking meditation as a way of integrating the mind and body.

Silent Retreats

Blue Mountains silent retreat
complement silence with yoga, meditation and MINDFUL contemplation
silent retreat nsw
enjoy a quiet, cosy space designed for Reflection as well as WELLBEING
silent retreats Sydney
Silent retreat Blue Mountains
within walking distance of the healing Mini Ha Ha waterfall

Silent Retreat Blue Mountains

Blue Mountains Silent Retreat 

Program Outline

This retreat is designed for those wanting to deeply work with on issue of cultivating silence, mindfulness and greater presence.
Whereas a meditation retreat empties the mind, our focus is on bringing about greater presence.

While silence in and of itself is of inestimable value, it can be equally useful to differentiate the absence of sound from that of cultivating presence and tuning into your deeper self.

Different to a typical silent retreat, our depth work focus encourages you to explore what causes you to be distracted and evade your core values and authentic self. It gives equal focus to what is active in you and calling you to emerge.

Standard silent retreats serve to recharge a person. Our program endeavours to bring about a more transformative experience where you reevaluate your relationship with noise, technology, overstimulation and other impediments to inner work.

silent meditation retreat blue mountains

One of our facilitators can work with you on a guided meditation or you can opt to have a self-guided session if you choose to maintain silence.

For those not wishing to do a purely silent retreat, we can work with you to create a program tailored to your needs.

An optional breathwork session can be undertaken to help you release bodily what has surfaced in you through the mind or feelings during your stay.
Energetic healing is also optional as is the opportunity to have spiritual counselling or a debrief at the end of each day.

Our Labyrinth activity offers a means of ritually letting go of that which no longer serves you.

Mindfulness colouring, drawing sacred geometry and journal exercises are available for those wanting to incorporate creativity and movement into their retreat, so too are yoga and musical instruments.

blue mountains meditation retreat

We also offer a wealth of self-reflection activities where you can muse on themes such as relationships, your upbringing, life purpose, the foundations of wellbeing, spiritual development and many other areas. Workbooks with journalling questions are provided for this.

All the activities and treatments are included in your package except for massage, where an external masseuse comes to you. She needs notice so please let us know when you’re booking if you’d like this service.

Whether you’re seeking balance, relaxation, spiritual renewal, greater self-understanding or simplicity, you dictate the pace of your silent retreat.

Depending on the weather and your energy levels, you can use the morning or afternoon times to take in a nearby bushwalk to our local waterfall.

silent retreats

Included in your package is an optional stand up paddleboarding session, mountain bike ride or bush walk at the end of day 1 of your program (weather permitting).

Cost: $590 for a 2 day silent retreat * $50 discount for a weekday program, $790 for a 3 day Silent Retreat Blue Mountains

Inclusions: Accommodation, meals, workbooks activities and optional counselling sessions. 

Location: Katoomba, Blue Mountains NSW

Silent Retreat NSW

Ideal for:

* Those new to spending time in silence and contemplation

* People wanting to digital detox and reboot

* Seekers and learners who are after an alternative to group work & talking therapy

* Those who have done standard silent retreats and are looking for something uniquely different

 Mindfulness retreat Sydney

Meditation is a process of lightening up, of trusting the basic goodness of what we have and who we are, and of realizing that any wisdom that exists, exists in what we already have. We can lead our life so as to become more awake to who we are and what we’re doing rather than trying to improve or change or get rid of who we are or what we’re doing. The key is to wake up, to become more alert, more inquisitive and curious about ourselves.
- Pema Chodron


Retreats NSW

Combine a trip to the Blue Mountains with one of our range of wellness retreats

Art Retreat

art retreats

Discover your creative potential and explore a variety of artistic mediums


Astrology Retreat

astrology retreat

An introduction to astrology where you learn about the zodiacs planets, signs, houses and how they impact one another.


Birth Your Business Retreat

business retreat

A new small business is started every 100 seconds. Learn how to take your passions and make your livelihood doing what you love.


Boost Your Business

courses on how to start your own business

Grow a conscious business and be part of the change.


Breath Work Retreat

breath work retreat 

Intensive 2 and 3 day breathwork programs to help you release trauma and energy blockages.


Career Retreat

career retreat

Take a mini sabbatical to determine your ideal career & how to actualise it.

career retreat information

Couples Therapy Retreat

couple counselling retreats

A program to enrich or revive one's relationship.


Family Constellations

Family Constellations workshop

Explore your Internal Family Systems to liberate yourself from inherited beliefs and intergenerational trauma.

Family Constellation Workshop INFORMATION

Health Retreat

health retreats in nsw

Our health retreat takes a holistic approach to optimise your body, mind and emotional health.


Healing Retreat

healing retreat 

The healing retreat takes you through a range of modalities such as energetic healing, breathwork, transpersonal counselling & more.


Life Purpose Retreat

life purpose retreat

Finding your life purpose is like the hub of a wheel, everything radiates out from it.


Love Retreat

love retreat

Instead of gaming love, master the game of love by understanding your core needs and the stumbling blocks between you and a lasting, enriching connection.


Maiden to Mother Retreat

 womens healing retreats

An initiation to heal and move beyond the maiden phase of development

and into the strength and centreness of the mother.

maiden to mother retreat INFORMATION

Men's Retreat / Women's Retreat

 mens retreat

Integrate your divine feminine and divine masculine to find inner wholeness,

sustain fulfilling relationships and obtain greater life direction.

Mens RETREAT / Womens retreat INFORMATION

Mental Health Retreat

mental health retreat

A healing program that explores the mother/father wounding and other limiting imprints.


Midlife Crisis Retreat

midlife crisis retreat

Midlife crisis presents us with a great opportunity to transition from the morning of life into the afternoon of life.

Midlife Crisis Retreat information

Mystical Retreat

mystical retreat

A week long intensive where you learn astrology, numerology, tarot & sacred geometry.


Rewilding Retreat

rewild retreats 

Recalibrate with nature, technology, yourself & your place in the world.


Sacred Geometry Course 

sacred geometry course

Create sacred geometry, learn the 9 numerology archetypes and explore your soul blueprint.

sacred geometry workshop INFORMATION

Self Discovery Retreat

self discovery retreat

A retreat centred around understanding yourself at the deepest level to integrate who you are with the life you live.


Self Love Retreat

solo retreat 

Our self-love retreat is ideal for singles working on relationship patterns and for those who could use some self care and greater appreciation for who they are & what they have to offer the world.


Silent Retreat

silent retreats blue mountains  

Our silent retreats help you attain greater clarity through a calmer mind and clearer perspective.


Spiritual Awakening Retreat

spiritual awakening retreats Australia

A program to explore spiritual awakening and the process of understanding & expressing your soul aspect.

Spiritual RETREAT - learn more

Tarot Retreat

tarot retreat

A Jungian retreat exploring the major arcana #0-3.

Depth psychology & archetypal integration through a tarot course.

tarot course INFORMATION

Wealth Retreat

wealth retreats

Take a holistic approach to money management and the psychology of money.


Wellbeing Retreat

wellbeing retreats  

A holistic retreat involving creative expression, life guidance, relationship exploration & a range of activities such as astrology/numerology readings, tarot, breathwork, transpersonal counselling & more.


Writing Retreat

writing retreat

Each of us has a unique and interesting story to share. This program looks at writing your life story beginning with childhood.

Writing Retreat information

Writing Retreat (Adolescence)

nsw writers retreat

 We each have an interesting and story to share. This program looks at writing your life story with an exploration of adolescence.


Yoga Retreat 

blue mountains yoga retreat

Discover eastern wisdoms such as yoga, mediation, chakras, ayurveda and more.


blue mountains retreats

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