Wellness Retreats Reviews

Dating Retreats

 dating retreat australia

Dating Therapy 

Fulfilling relationships, like most areas of life are not a matter of luck as much as they are a matter of strong foundations, deep understanding and the clearing of sabotaging behaviours as well as limiting beliefs.

In addition to this Singles Retreat (Love Retreat), we offer a number of programs to help you master your life partner relationship.

Preparing for Lasting Love

Until we process our core wounds we tend to magnetise people into our lives who keep inflicting the same traumas.

Our Healing Retreat or Self Love Retreat may be the best foundation for you to start with before undertaking our Love Retreat.

single retreat


  LEARN ABOUT OUR self love Retreat


 Sustaining Love

For those having done significant self-development to be ready for healthy connection we offer a Sacred Union Retreat to understand the sacred masculine and sacred feminine to incorporate them into partnerships.

We also offer a Couples Therapy Retreat for couples who are working through challenges in their relationship.

getting the love you want workshop

 LEARN ABOUT OUR sacred union Retreat

 LEARN ABOUT OUR couples counselling Retreat

Dating Course

dating over 50 australia

Readying for Love

Until we are aware of our blindspots, triggers and shadow aspects we are like leaky buckets which continually struggle to allow relationships to take hold and flourish. This retreat helps you successfully navigate the path of love.

Those who want a deep love in their lives must collect and save for it, and gather honey. - Rainer Maria Rilke



Dating coach Sydney

The Dating Game

The swipe, date and repeat approach treats dating as a sprint rather than marathon. Discover the most effective ways to meet like minded people while refining and smoothing out your rough edges along the way.


Intentional dating is looking for that kind of partnership — the partnership that is “just right.” Recreational dating too often sticks you with the opposite — the kind that is “just right now.” - Michael Todd



path of love retreats

Love After Loss

Whether you're healing from a relationship that mutually ended or one in which you hoped had continued, finding resolution is essential before being able to fully show up for a high functioning, healthy relationship with someone new. Our program guides you through this integral process.


Some of us think holding on makes us strong, but sometimes it is letting go. - Herman Hesse


Love Workshop

  • Love Retreat

    I feel deep gratitude 🙏 for your hospitality ginny & marcus!!! The time, energy & support you gave me this weekend on the relationship retreat has been nothing short of heartfelt, deep, compassion, passion & love 🙌 I cannot put into words how much I appreciate you both. You are absolutely magical ✨️ MAGICAL! Thank u from the core of my heart ❤️ & soul I'll always remember how much you have helped me Keep shining ✨️ The world needs your light ✨️ If any of you are reading this & questioning coming, don't doubt it for a second 😇 You will feel truly supported, held & come away with deep gratitude & a sense of clarity & knowing It's all working out just beautifully x ~ Michelle S
  • Dating Coach Australia

    It was such a special experience to take part in the retreat hosted by Ginny and Marcus. 2 days just to focus on yourself with various sessions throughout the day. I found their counsel and guidance intuitive, relevant, meaningful and heart felt, not something you can just find 'online' and pay for, they have real gifts to share through the sessions together. The space where you stay and spend most of your time in the yurt is magical. A true opportunity in a sacred space to go deeper into your own self. Highly recommend. Thank you Ginny and Marcus for this fantastic weekend, I won't forget it. - Vicki N

Relationship Retreats

dating course
A cosy, safe space to explore relationship needs & patterns
dating therapy
enjoy a quiet space designed for reflection and deep understanding
love workshop
spiritual retreats for singles
within walking distance of the healing Mini Ha Ha waterfall

Relationship Retreat

  • Couples Therapy Weekend Getaways

    Marcus and Ginny are angels on earth. They took the time to listen and analyse our situation and helped us in the most spiritual, emotional, practical and holistic way. I would definitely recommend the couples therapy weekend to everyone that needs help in their relationship and personal growth... - Mirasol M

Single Retreat 

Program Outline

This retreat is designed for those not simply desiring a high calibre relationship but willing to undertake the hard work, self-reflection and honesty required to move from wishing to realising.

The poet Rilke once said, “For one human being to love another; that is perhaps the most difficult of all our tasks, the ultimate, the last test and proof, the work for which all other work is but preparation.”

Finding our life partner and fostering a sustaining connection is arguably our greatest vehicle of growth and opportunity to practice and receive unconditional love. Social conditioning from our culture, families, peers, education and the faulty scripts we adopt ourselves requires a major rethink and reset if we are to be authentically ourselves and show up for another.

relationship course online

Love Workshop

● Develop a positive expectation around romance to move away from dejection, inflated expectations or overwhelm around relationships.

● Learn your love languages, your intimacy languages, your model of relating and insights into how you’re wired so you better understand what to look for in a suitable partner.

● Excavate your dating approach to filter out Romance Roulette and move towards intentional dating.

● Discover how to release old connections and cut any cords that inhibit you from giving yourself fully to a connection.

We can tailor your time with us to work on those areas that are proving problematic to best utilise your time with us.

To complement your relationship learnings you can incorporate into your retreat experience reiki healing or a breathwork session to help you release bodily what has surfaced in you through the mind or feelings during your stay. You can also have a numerology and/or astrology reading to glean insights into the issues and themes relating to partners from a metaphysical perspective.

All the activities and treatments are included in your package except for massage, where an external masseuse comes to you. She needs notice so please let us know when you’re booking if you’d like this service.

Depending on the weather and your energy levels, you can use the morning or afternoon times to take in a nearby bushwalk to our local waterfall.

course relationship

Included in your package is an optional stand up paddleboarding session, mountain bike ride or bush walk at the end of day 1 of your program (weather permitting).

Cost: $590 for the 2 day love retreat * $50 discount for a weekday program, $810 for a 3 day singles retreat, $1030 for a 4 day relationship retreat or $1250 for a 5 day program.

Inclusions: Accommodation, meals, activities and counselling sessions. 

Location: Katoomba, Blue Mountains NSW

 relationship retreats

"Sometimes people walk away from love because it is so beautiful that it terrifies them. Sometimes they leave because the connection shines a bright light on their dark places and they are not ready to work them through. Sometimes they run away because they are not developmentally prepared to merge with another- they have more individuation work to do first. Sometimes they take off because love is not a priority in their lives- they have another path and purpose to walk first. Sometimes they end it because they prefer a relationship that is more practical than conscious, one that does not threaten the ways that they organize reality. Sometimes it has nothing to do with us. Sometimes the one who leaves is just not ready to hold it safe. Sometimes they know something we don't - they know their limits at that moment in time. Real love is no easy path - readiness is everything.”
Jeff Brown


Retreats NSW

Combine a trip to the Blue Mountains with one of our range of wellness retreats

Art Retreat

art retreats

Discover your creative potential and explore a variety of artistic mediums


Astrology Retreat

astrology retreat

An introduction to astrology where you learn about the zodiacs planets, signs, houses and how they impact one another.


Birth Your Business Retreat

business retreat

A new small business is started every 100 seconds. Learn how to take your passions and make your livelihood doing what you love.


Boost Your Business

courses on how to start your own business

Grow a conscious business and be part of the change.


Breath Work Retreat

breath work retreat 

Intensive 2 and 3 day breathwork programs to help you release trauma and energy blockages.


Career Retreat

career retreat

Take a mini sabbatical to determine your ideal career & how to actualise it.

career retreat information

Couples Therapy Retreat

couple counselling retreats

A program to enrich or revive one's relationship.


Family Constellations

Family Constellations workshop

Explore your Internal Family Systems to liberate yourself from inherited beliefs and intergenerational trauma.

Family Constellation Workshop INFORMATION

Health Retreat

health retreats in nsw

Our health retreat takes a holistic approach to optimise your body, mind and emotional health.


Healing Retreat

healing retreat 

The healing retreat takes you through a range of modalities such as energetic healing, breathwork, transpersonal counselling & more.


Life Purpose Retreat

life purpose retreat

Finding your life purpose is like the hub of a wheel, everything radiates out from it.


Love Retreat

love retreat

Instead of gaming love, master the game of love by understanding your core needs and the stumbling blocks between you and a lasting, enriching connection.


Maiden to Mother Retreat

 womens healing retreats

An initiation to heal and move beyond the maiden phase of development

and into the strength and centreness of the mother.

maiden to mother retreat INFORMATION

Men's Retreat / Women's Retreat

 mens retreat

Integrate your divine feminine and divine masculine to find inner wholeness,

sustain fulfilling relationships and obtain greater life direction.

Mens RETREAT / Womens retreat INFORMATION

Mental Health Retreat

mental health retreat

A healing program that explores the mother/father wounding and other limiting imprints.


Midlife Crisis Retreat

midlife crisis retreat

Midlife crisis presents us with a great opportunity to transition from the morning of life into the afternoon of life.

Midlife Crisis Retreat information

Mystical Retreat

mystical retreat

A week long intensive where you learn astrology, numerology, tarot & sacred geometry.


Rewilding Retreat

rewild retreats 

Recalibrate with nature, technology, yourself & your place in the world.


Sacred Geometry Course 

sacred geometry course

Create sacred geometry, learn the 9 numerology archetypes and explore your soul blueprint.

sacred geometry workshop INFORMATION

Self Discovery Retreat

self discovery retreat

A retreat centred around understanding yourself at the deepest level to integrate who you are with the life you live.


Self Love Retreat

solo retreat 

Our self-love retreat is ideal for singles working on relationship patterns and for those who could use some self care and greater appreciation for who they are & what they have to offer the world.


Silent Retreat

silent retreats blue mountains  

Our silent retreats help you attain greater clarity through a calmer mind and clearer perspective.


Spiritual Awakening Retreat

spiritual awakening retreats Australia

A program to explore spiritual awakening and the process of understanding & expressing your soul aspect.

Spiritual RETREAT - learn more

Tarot Retreat

tarot retreat

A Jungian retreat exploring the major arcana #0-3.

Depth psychology & archetypal integration through a tarot course.

tarot course INFORMATION

Wealth Retreat

wealth retreats

Take a holistic approach to money management and the psychology of money.


Wellbeing Retreat

wellbeing retreats  

A holistic retreat involving creative expression, life guidance, relationship exploration & a range of activities such as astrology/numerology readings, tarot, breathwork, transpersonal counselling & more.


Writing Retreat

writing retreat

Each of us has a unique and interesting story to share. This program looks at writing your life story beginning with childhood.

Writing Retreat information

Writing Retreat (Adolescence)

nsw writers retreat

 We each have an interesting and story to share. This program looks at writing your life story with an exploration of adolescence.


Yoga Retreat 

blue mountains yoga retreat

Discover eastern wisdoms such as yoga, mediation, chakras, ayurveda and more.


blue mountains retreats