Wellness Retreats Reviews

Constellation Workshop

Family Constellation Workshop

What is Family Constellation Therapy?

It is a therapeutic approach which helps reveal the unconscious dynamics in a family or relationship in order to remedy stressors impacting these relationships and ultimately heal them.

Just as we form attachment styles based on our childhoods, so too do we unconsciously adopt beliefs and behaviours inherited from our larger family lineage as a way of coping and surviving.

Internal Family Systems

Carl Jung said that we are a conflict that rages in itself and against itself. He went on to say "Everyone goes through this mill, consciously or unconsciously, voluntarily or forcibly. We are crucified between the opposites and delivered up to the torture until the reconciling third takes place."

So much of our inner conflicts arise from our family dynamics, much of it unconsciously. Among the paradoxes we are tasked with resolving, perhaps the primary one involves asserting our individual identity and that of wanting to feel part of a family and find belonging. Tzvi Freeman suggested there are a few ways to resolve the contraction of opposites:

There are three ways to bring unity between two opposites: The first is by introducing a power that transcends both of them and to which they both utterly surrender their entire being. They are then at peace with each other because they are both under the influence of the same force. But their being is not at peace - their being is simply ignored. The second way is by finding a middle ground where the two beings meet. The two are at peace where they meet on that middle ground — but the rest of their territory remains apart and distant. The third way is to reveal that the essence of every aspect of the two beings is one and the same.

Family Constellations is a means to understand the common threads with have with our family legacy as well as unravelling those elements which impede us from self-actualising.

Family Constellation Healing

Burt Hellinger formulated the philosophy known as Family Constellations during his time as a Jesuit priest in South Africa. Over many years he was able to learn from the Zulu people where he witnessed the power of their worldview, ubuntu, translated “I am because we are.”

During this retreat you'll have the opportunity to explore the areas where your soul blueprint (your astrology and numerology map) clashes and diverts from the paths of others.

We take an experiential approach that meets mind, body, soul and spirit through a range of modalities and different activities.

Internal Family Systems Workshop

Artist retreat blue mountains
Work inside or outside in the elements
art therapy retreats
Tranquility within and outside the retreat space
creative retreat
Chase waterfalls after dark on a local spectacular floodlit night walk
artist retreat nsw
our retreat centre is within walking distance of healing Mini Ha Ha waterfall

Internal Family Systems Therapy

  • Family Systems Therapists

    Ginny is a very generous and caring counsellor who gives 200 percent to supporting you with your challenge. I left the call feeling more grounded and with clarity on my next steps. Definitely recommend her if you're in need of some warm and loving guidance. - Ischa R

  • Transpersonal Counsellor

    Ginny is an amazing and knowledgeable practitioner. She holds and creates a beautiful space for her clients to go deep and release trauma, whilst also providing a very clear understanding on the forces that were at play. - Mark A

  • Constellation Therapy

    I've tried a couple of places locally for Blue Mountains counselling and was recommended to see Ginny. She is a wonderful holistic counsellor who masterfully looks at your real world issues and weaves in a spiritual perspective. It helped me step back from myself and feel a lot more inner peace about some of the struggles I'm going through. If you're after a female counselor with a great wealth of insights you can't go wrong. - Michael R

  • Familial Constellations

    After visiting you I have deepened my exploration of spirituality, the universe, truth and my life's purpose. I have found it challenging to face terrible truths and isolating at times, but ultimately I can sense a freedom that lies ahead. A freedom from social conditioning, expectations, the grips of my ego, and of old habits and patterns that were unconscious and that I am now starting to shine a conscious light on. It has been such a wonderful experience starting to get out of my head and connect with my intuition. I am starting to feel a connection to myself that I know now has always been available to me. Thank you for doing what you do! I'm so grateful to have met you because I think in a way you gave me the green light to start on this journey of exploration into the unknown. - Natalie D

  • Transpersonal Counselling

    Ginny is supremely intuitive and a terrific communicator with enormous compassion. Once you find someone this good, you don't let them go! Thank you so much, Ginny, for helping me find my direction. - Wendy G

  • Family and Systemic Therapy

    Ginny’s work is a ‘must’ pit stop for anyone feeling stuck. Highly recommended! - Debra W

  • Family Constellation Therapy Online

    Having counselling with Ginny was a very insightful experience. I love the positivity and inspiration she carries.- Sarah S

  • Therapy Family Systems

    Through Ginny's kind, open and genuine energy, she created an environment that was judgement free and safe to explore my deep inner self. - Craig D

  • Family Constellation Healing

    Ginny is an angel on earth. She took the time to listen and analyse our situation and helped us in the most spiritual, emotional, practical and holistic way. - Mira

  • Family Constellations Practitioner

    Holistic counselling with Ginny helped me shift things internally. I highly recommend seeing her, she's a lovely, friendly lady who makes you feel at home - Kasia T

Family Constellation Workshop

 Family Constellations Sydney

Program Outline

healing retreats australia

Day 1

Morning Session

Family constellations can help people work through specific diagnoses and issues. But they can be equally beneficial for those working through childhood trauma, the death of a relative, or various mental health diagnoses, including depression and anxiety. This first session will explore the fundamentals of family constellation therapy.

Mid Morning Session

The second session takes an experiential approach to looking at your family dynamics drawing on sandplay therapy and art therapy exercises.


Afternoon Session

Through the lens of numerology, we identify unresolved patterns, ancestral wounds and areas for healing within your family system. Gain insights into the challenges and opportunities presented by your family lineage. Explore ways to break free from limiting patterns, release ancestral burdens, and embrace your authentic self.

Dinner (or the option for you to take in one of the local dining facilities)

Optional Evening Activity

spiritual healing retreat

Day 2

Morning Session

Breathwork is a powerful tool that helps work through blockages and outworn beliefs or trauma stored in the body. For those who have not explored this modality before I guide you through the process in a gentle and supportive manner.

Mid Morning Session

 The tarot draws on both our subconscious and the collective conscious to relay messages which our rational or conscious minds often overlook in relation to your family constellation.


Afternoon Session

Through the lens of astrology, we identify unresolved patterns, ancestral wounds, and areas for healing within your family system. Gain insights into the challenges and opportunities presented by your family lineage. Explore ways to break free from limiting patterns, release ancestral burdens, and embrace your authentic self.

Mid Afternoon Session

Our last session will involve a reiki or energetic healing session to help release any lingering blockages and ground the new energies which have come in during your intensive experience. Embrace the power of forgiveness, compassion and self-discovery as you navigate your family constellation.

Cost: Family Constellation Therapy cost $590 for a 2-day program *$50 discount applies to weekday retreats.

All inclusive healing retreats: Accommodation, meals, workbooks, soul blueprint readings and counselling/healing sessions.

personal healing retreats

Included in your package is an optional stand up paddleboarding session, mountain bike ride or bush walk at the end of day 1 of your program (weather permitting).


Retreats NSW

Combine a trip to the Blue Mountains with one of our range of wellness retreats

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Boost Your Business

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Grow a conscious business and be part of the change.


Breath Work Retreat

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Intensive 2 and 3 day breathwork programs to help you release trauma and energy blockages.


Career Retreat

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Take a mini sabbatical to determine your ideal career & how to actualise it.

career retreat information

Couples Therapy Retreat

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A program to enrich or revive one's relationship.


Family Constellations

Family Constellations workshop

Explore your Internal Family Systems to liberate yourself from inherited beliefs and intergenerational trauma.

Family Constellation Workshop INFORMATION

Health Retreat

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Our health retreat takes a holistic approach to optimise your body, mind and emotional health.


Healing Retreat

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The healing retreat takes you through a range of modalities such as energetic healing, breathwork, transpersonal counselling & more.


Life Purpose Retreat

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Finding your life purpose is like the hub of a wheel, everything radiates out from it.


Love Retreat

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Instead of gaming love, master the game of love by understanding your core needs and the stumbling blocks between you and a lasting, enriching connection.


Maiden to Mother Retreat

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An initiation to heal and move beyond the maiden phase of development

and into the strength and centreness of the mother.

maiden to mother retreat INFORMATION

Men's Retreat / Women's Retreat

 mens retreat

Integrate your divine feminine and divine masculine to find inner wholeness,

sustain fulfilling relationships and obtain greater life direction.

Mens RETREAT / Womens retreat INFORMATION

Mental Health Retreat

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A healing program that explores the mother/father wounding and other limiting imprints.


Midlife Crisis Retreat

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Midlife crisis presents us with a great opportunity to transition from the morning of life into the afternoon of life.

Midlife Crisis Retreat information

Mystical Retreat

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A week long intensive where you learn astrology, numerology, tarot & sacred geometry.


Rewilding Retreat

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Recalibrate with nature, technology, yourself & your place in the world.


Sacred Geometry Course 

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Create sacred geometry, learn the 9 numerology archetypes and explore your soul blueprint.

sacred geometry workshop INFORMATION

Self Discovery Retreat

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A retreat centred around understanding yourself at the deepest level to integrate who you are with the life you live.


Self Love Retreat

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Our self-love retreat is ideal for singles working on relationship patterns and for those who could use some self care and greater appreciation for who they are & what they have to offer the world.


Silent Retreat

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Our silent retreats help you attain greater clarity through a calmer mind and clearer perspective.


Spiritual Awakening Retreat

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A program to explore spiritual awakening and the process of understanding & expressing your soul aspect.

Spiritual RETREAT - learn more

Tarot Retreat

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A Jungian retreat exploring the major arcana #0-3.

Depth psychology & archetypal integration through a tarot course.

tarot course INFORMATION

Wealth Retreat

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Take a holistic approach to money management and the psychology of money.


Wellbeing Retreat

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A holistic retreat involving creative expression, life guidance, relationship exploration & a range of activities such as astrology/numerology readings, tarot, breathwork, transpersonal counselling & more.


Writing Retreat

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Each of us has a unique and interesting story to share. This program looks at writing your life story beginning with childhood.

Writing Retreat information

Writing Retreat (Adolescence)

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 We each have an interesting and story to share. This program looks at writing your life story with an exploration of adolescence.


Yoga Retreat 

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Discover eastern wisdoms such as yoga, mediation, chakras, ayurveda and more.


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