

Blue Mountains Wellness Centre

Leura Wellness



Intentional breathing to help process your emotions and feel a deeper sense of relaxation and energy.
Tarot Reading

Tarot Reading

Draw on the wisdom of the tarot to gain guidance and clarity in your life.


Release energy blockages and realign yourself with a positive energetic state.


Gain a thorough understanding of the underlying causes of issues in your personal life in order to resolve them.
Healing Retreats

Healing Retreats

Take a well-deserved break at one of our Blue Mountains retreats.

Blue Mountains Wellness Centre

Feeling rundown, lost, or simply not yourself lately? 

leura wellness

The demands of modern life make it beneficial to regularly gain alignment with your authentic self. Stay on the right track with the support of a holistic counsellor, tarot reader, reiki practitioner and breathwork facilitator. By combining these healing practices or my wellness retreats, I can help you reconnect with your highest self and support your continued growth.

Get In Touch To Discuss Your Needs

Spiritual Counselling Sydney

spiritual counselling sydney



The Challenge

We tend to go through life operating on subconscious patterns that aren't always helpful. This could be an unhealthy relationship dynamic we are unaware of or a habit of negative thinking that causes us to feel frequent shame. This can have flow-on effects on the rest of our life, causing stress and dissatisfaction. Given that the majority of our actions and thoughts are habitual, it's vital that we delve deep and unlock them so that we can be free.


blue mountains wellness centre



The Solution

Our unconscious mind can be unhelpful, but it is also rich in wisdom and strength. The key is knowing how to access these powerful parts of ourselves, so that we can heal our lives and become the best version of ourselves. My holistic approach incorporates the mind, body, heart and spirit. Tarot uses ancient wisdom to guide and encourage, whilst energy work can release pent up emotions and counselling can facilitate a better cognitive understanding of your life.


alternative therapies



The Results

From feeling lighter and more hopeful, to having a clearer sense of direction and purpose, there are so many benefits of doing healing work. With new insights and perspectives comes the need for you to make choices and take action to direct your life in a productive manner. Through effort and continued practice, you should find that you are breaking out of habituated patterns of behaviour and mindfully creating the life you desire.

  • Readings

    I have had several tarot card readings over the years and found Ginny's reading insightful, thought provoking and life related. The reading provided me with perspective and reflection to consider. Ginny was welcoming, warm and compassionate.- L Murphy-Norrie

spiritual healing centres

Blue Mountains Natural Therapy

My journey to becoming a spiritual practitioner, or holistic practitioner, has been a long and winding one. In my early career as a hairdressor I noticed the need in society for a spiritual healing centre to complement the mainstream medical approaches with alternative therapies that would treat the entirety of a person.

"Like many people navigating their late thirties, I had a midlife crisis, which I would later recognise was an awakening. The relationship I was involved in turned abusive, I was losing my self-esteem and the joie de vivre I had always shown. It took all my strength to leave the relationship and move back to Sydney."

healing centre

Spiritual Therapist

Read About My Journey to become a holistic therapist

After being broken open by life I moved into my work as a healer. As they say, you can only take people as far as you’ve been yourself. Many of the people I work with today are navigating crossroads moments and dealing with the tumult of being cracked open. The overculture tells us to tough it out, be self-reliant and stoic. Sadly, this often leads people to miss the overtures of the soul. It takes courage to reach out for help or guidance but in doing so you might find life dramatically opens up just as it did when I embraced my vocation as a spiritual healer here in Katoomba. The musician India Arie wrote the song “Break The Shell” to express this poetically:

Child its time to break the shell
Life's gonna hurt but its meant to be felt
You cannot touch the sky from inside yourself
You cannot fly until you break the shell

Courage is not being hard
It's time to peel back all of the layers
You put between who you're meant to be
And you who are
And go be who you are

Spirituality Workshops

Connect with like minded people at my regular spiritual classes and workshops.

I run spiritual events in Sydney as well as from my wellness centre in the Blue Mountains and online breathwork circles and tarot classes.

spirituality workshops

Find out about upcoming events

wellness centre

  • Spiritual Healing

    Spiritual Healing

    spiritual healing sydney

    What an unusual year 2020 was for me, my loved ones, family, neighbours, community and the global village we call planet earth.

    We experienced great change alongside loss, crisis, grief, uncertainty, despair, anger, sadness and a whirlwind of emotions. But with this comes renewal, rebalance, rejuvenation, realignment, reevaluating and rewiring to make for a better planet. Maybe you can't see it now, but the universe and our planet have an intelligence that is much greater than our own. 

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  • Online Tarot Course

    Online Tarot Course

    tarot readers in sydney

    Carl Jung pointed out that our ancestors believed in gods; we believe in vitamins — both invisible.

    Speaking about the ego and the grip of the rational mind he went on to say,

    “We congratulate ourselves on having reached a pinnacle of clarity, imagining that we have left all these phantasmal gods far behind. But what we have left behind are only verbal specters, not the psychic facts that were responsible for the birth of the gods. We are still as much possessed by autonomous psychic contents as if they were Olympians. Today they are called phobias, obsessions, and so forth; in a word, neurotic symptoms.”

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  • Online Tarot Reader

    Tarot Reading Onlineonline tarot reader

     The tarot invites us to see life as a great adventure, if not a quest.

    When I first discovered tarot as a teenager it offered a richer view of the world and its mysteries than what I experienced going to a strict and sombre all girls Catholic school.

    Showing a natural affinity for reading intuitively for friends, I seized opportunities that presented to read cards for people in Sydney cafes and markets.

    Within a couple of years, I found myself in Ibiza where I did tarot readings for locals and tourists, which showed me that the symbolism of the tarot transcends language barriers.

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  • Venturing Beyond the Bounds of our Comfort Zone

     Mental Health Retreat Sydney

    mental health retreat sydney

    Venturing Beyond the Bounds of our Comfort Zone

    “At times you have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. What you’ll discover will be wonderful. What you’ll discover is yourself.” - Alan Alda

    Of all the ironies, is there any greater than the fact that we work (or at least labour) extremely hard to build a comfortable life only to then discover that this comfort atrophies into debilitating states of depression or numbness? It used to only afflict those at midlife, but with the advent of the quarter-life crisis, we are being provoked to get real earlier than ever before.

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  • Wellbeing Health Retreats

    Wellbeing Health Retreats

    wellbeing retreats


    Words such as "depressed" and "anxious" don’t exist in some American Indian and Alaska Native languages. Quite a contrast from modern society, where The World Health Organization names depression as the single leading cause of disability globally.

    If you were born after 1945, you’re 10 times more likely to experience depression. From 2005-15, cases of depressive illness increased by nearly a fifth. Around 1 in 5 people won’t make it through the year without having a battle with mental illness.

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  • The Magician Tarot

    Magician in Tarot

    magician tarot

    The Magician card is the first in the major arcana, with the Fool card given the numbering zero being both the start of the soul’s journey and the end.

    It begins the first pairing, or polarity, between the masculine and feminine or yin and yang.

    Whereas the High Priestess represents going inward and nurturing our intuitive capacities, the Magician represents taking action and being fully incarnate in the physical world. 

    You may have heard the aphorism, “some people are so spiritual they are of no earthly good to anyone.”

    This is not the case with this tarot card.

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  • Couple Retreat

    Couples Counseling Retreat

    couple retreat

    Of all the myths causing heartache, few compare to the one which says that once we track down our elusory soulmate, everything will fall into place for us.

    Anaïs Nin put it succinctly when she said: “Where the myth fails, human love begins.”

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  • Tarot The Lovers

    Tarot The Lovers

    Tarot the Lovers

    To understand the lovers tarot card it’s important to recognise that it is one of 22 major arcana cards which represent archetypal development or what we could call the soul’s journey.

    The fool tarot is numbered as zero. Some say this is because we start our journey as the ignorant fool and grow into the wise fool. Others hold that it recognises our unlimited potential, thus it should be unnumbered. Then some argue the Fool is outside of the number systems as he is the character experiencing the journey.

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  • Breathwork Holotropic

    Breathwork Holotropic

    Breathwork Holotropic

    Childhood trauma & the benefits of breathwork in releasing it

    Among the paradoxes we wrestle with is the tension between human resilience and fragility.

    Humans have been described as all-terrain vehicles with supercomputers inside that can go anywhere. We’ve survived world wars, major pandemics and outlived dinosaurs.

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  • Breathwork Healing

    Breathwork Healing

    Breathwork Healing

    We’ve been programmed evolutionarily for fight or flight.

    The problem with flight is that we tend to store intense emotions in our bodies.

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  • Benefits of Counselling

    Benefits of Counselling

    Counselling Services

    One of the great things about entering midlife is that your life makes more sense and you gain a clearer understanding of who you are.

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  • What is Transpersonal Counselling

    transpersonal therapist

    Transpersonal Therapist

    What is transpersonal therapy?

    Transpersonal is defined as areas of consciousness beyond the limits of personal identity.

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  • The Rising Feminine - A Collective Shift

    Cheap Tarot Reading

    cheap tarot reading

    The collective culture is always impacting our state of mind. With the pandemic stirring up economic fears and concerns about job security, I've noticed a rise of people looking for express readings to accommodate their budget.  

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  • Working Through Family Dynamics

    Working Through Family Dynamics

    Holotropic Breathwork

    As we enter the festive season, a transformational breathwork session may well be one of the best self-care investments you can make.

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  • The Hanging Man - Rediscovering Our Wilder Essence

    hanging man tarot

    Hanging Man Tarot

    Our Wild, or Instinctual Nature, is growing increasingly more endangered. Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés argues that we all have access to this, “powerful force, filled with good instincts, passionate creativity, and ageless knowing.”  

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  • Beyond the Conscious Mind

    Fortune Teller Sydney

    Looking Beyond The Conscious Mind

    fortune teller sydney

    Of the many people who will do a web search for something like fortune telling Sydney, far fewer attempt to understand how it is that a tarot reading works. While psychology permeates our culture, understanding the human mind is a relatively new field of study. Philosophers may have discussed it frequently but few ancient people earned their livelihoods from it, unlike today.

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    • Breathwork

      Thank you for holding space for me during our breathwork session. I was in bliss. You are amazing and I loved it. Thank you, thank you, thank you xxx - Tia P
    • Tarot Reader Sydney

      Ginny has a warm and authentic energy which put me immediately at ease. The tarot reading honed in on several issues I was experiencing in my life and gave me lots of clarity and relief. Ginny's intuition was spot on and she shared some great resources for me to use going forward as well. I left the reading feeling at peace and happy. - Georgina T
    • Transpersonal Counsellor

      Ginny is an amazing and knowledgeable practitioner. She holds and creates a beautiful space for her clients to go deep and release trauma, whilst also providing a very clear understanding on the forces that were at play. - Mark A
    • Healing Reiki

      I have had amazing experiences with Ginny. I feel I can open up so much and I receive so much insight and guidance. I always leave feeling positive and confident. My daughter knew nothing of spiritual healing but I took her to see Ginny for reiki. She loved it and felt her head was clear. She felt focused and reassured. - B Obryan
    • Theta Healing Therapy

      Ginny is such a wise, authentic and deeply intuitive soul. She has so much knowledge, wonderful guidance and a variety of modalities. I recently had a Theta healing session with her which was so peaceful and helped me let go of several things no longer serving me. Her energy is so calm, grounded and present as she fully holds space for you to speak your truth. I highly recommend working with Ginny for your spiritual growth and healing journey! - Belinda D
    • Tarot Courses

      Thanks for your tarot reading classes that were so full of useful and insightful information. Your tarot course gave me a great introduction to the cards and helped so much with my psychic development. - Christine L
    • Self Love Retreat

      I did the Self Love recovery retreat in a state of deep grief and felt affirmed and that I was in the right place and state at the right time. The astrology and numerology seesions helped me to understand where I am at and why. They were presented with the surrounding science which helped me understand the meaning of the planets influence and the influence of the numbers. The tarot helped me with some clarity about the now the influence of different responses in me. During the concluding breathwork session I felt something click into place internally. I left feeling whole and strong and beautiful as well as in light. The grief did not disappear but I have some new tools and understandings that help me keep it in a new perspective. I would not only go again but I thoroughly recommend this as a gift to yourself. - Julia

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