Wellness Retreats Reviews


Writing About Childhood Memories 

How To Write A Story Of Your Life

personal development courses



Exploring Your Childhood & The Archetype of The Innocent (the child)


Writing about childhood experiences in this program involves a deep level of personal reflection and contemplation that is stimulated by readings, writing exercises, short videos and much more, including end of day mentoring sessions to offer objective insights into your learnings and help you synthesise everything.


writing about childhood

Meditation Retreat, Road Trip and the Middle Path

Feeling a bit listless in our ordinary routines, many of us like to spice life up with a road trip and all the sensory delight they can bring.

Others take the opposite approach, gravitating to meditation retreats in the hopes of giving their overstimulated and exhausted minds a break, by emptying them.

The programs we run straddle the middle path. Tranquil surrounds and reflective questions help to still the waters, while the diversity of activities and the provoking nature of it helps to shake you out of ruts and enculturated thinking.

Writing About Childhood - Retreat Location

Writing Studio - The Blue Mountains | Outskirts of Sydney
Writing about childhood memories
writers retreats australia
A Spectacular Spot During Snowfalls
writing workshop sydney
A Peaceful, Nature Laden Writing Space

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  • Feedback from Course Participants

    Stimulating. Inspiring. Confronting. Educational. Eye-opening. Humbling. Challenging. I wasn’t expecting to be so deeply moved. Loved the whole course! - Rick B
  • Feedback from Course Participants

    I didn’t really know what to expect but it’s definitely been one of the best things I’ve done. Marcus, you have given me such a valuable gift - I feel uplifted because of the “truths” we discovered together and emboldened by your words as I embark on this next stage. I greatly appreciate all that you have given me and your great generosity of spirit - Ros L
  • Feedback from Course Participants

    Absolutely wonder-filled! I’ve been challenged and supported and inspired. So much to unpack, thank you Marcus. - Suzanne D
  • Feedback from Course Participants

    Each session ‘primed the pump’ for some heartfelt writing. There was a sort of alchemy at work it seemed. It was great, thank you! - Mandy G
  • Feedback from Course Participants

    An excellent experience - the material was very articulate with heaps of resources to research and continue developing inner exploration. This course felt like the beginning of a significant chapter!

Revisiting Childhood - A Rich Source of Personal Development

Awakening Or Reconnecting With Your Inner Child


We all know that staying as a child when our development facets have moved into adulthood only stunts our growth. Equally damaging, however, is losing touch with our childlike selves to adopt stoic and joyless adult roles or armour. Our program involves celebrating the gifts your childhood brought, cultivates gratitude and looks at where you can foster more of the healthy traits of the child, or innocent archetype, into your life.

A child can teach an adult three things: to be happy for no reason, to always be busy with something, and to know how to demand with all his might that which he desires. ~ Paulo Coelho



shadow work

Shadow Work 


Although we continue to revere ‘the ideal childhood’, the most interesting and humane adults tend to be those who have found the gifts in their woundings. Leonard Cohen said, “There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in.” He spoke of the need to confront brokenness in order to find resurrection and return. Only when we explore shadow work and integrate those disconnected parts of ourselves, can we become whole and healthy. Otherwise we remain what William Faulkner called a Man-Child, or escape into Pollyanna denial where grief and other unpleasant emotions are avoided, rather than transmuted.

The happy childhood is hardly worth your while. ~ Frank McCourt 



health and wellbeing

Health and Wellbeing


It is universally accepted that childhood, or the first phase of our life, has an enormous bearing on how capable we become of living happy, high-functioning lives as adults. Psychologist Erik Erikson argued that if we fail to integrate healthy development stages we will inevitably have to revisit them. This program helps you to identify areas you mastered as well as those that need to shift, either in thought or behaviour. Reclaiming the wonder, appreciation, enthusiasm and optimism of the child archetype can fertilise all of the aspects to your life. Think of someone integrated, such as the Dalai Lama. He’s disciplined, yet light. Purposeful, yet playful.

True adulthood, or psychological maturity, has become an uncommon achievement in Western and Westernized societies, and genuine elderhood nearly nonexistent. ~ Bill Plotkin


Details About The Life Writing Program

Consider embarking on this Write of Passage in order to

✴︎ Undertake Narrative Writing About Childhood

✴︎ Gain Insight Into How To Write A Childhood Memoir 

✴︎Begin Writing About Childhood Trauma 

✴︎Write A Short Story About A Memory From Your Childhood

✴︎ Undertake Personal Development

✴︎ Explore Life Story Writing & Create A Foundation To Build A Memoir

✴︎ Discover Archetypal Psychology & A More Imaginative Approach To Self-Understanding

Cost: $590 for a 2 day program * $50 discount for a weekday program.

Inclusions: Accommodation, meals, workbooks and personal mentoring/debriefing

Location: Katoomba, Blue Mountains NSW

Optional session with a bibliotherapist. Learn more about our bibliotherapy service.

spiritual retreat nsw

Included in your package is an optional stand up paddleboarding session, mountain bike ride or bush walk at the end of day 1 of your program (weather permitting).

Program Outline:

Day 1

Morning Session

Explore workbook readings and insights relating to childhood, with optional writing exercises.


Afternoon Session

Explore workbook readings and insights relating to childhood, with optional writing exercises.

Optional debriefing session to help locate themes and patterns which can be used as the basis for writing about an event from your childhood.

Dinner (or the option for you to take in one of the local dining facilities)

Optional evening session (immersive, non writing activities)

Day 2

Morning Session

Explore workbook readings and insights relating to the archetype of the child (the Innocent), with optional writing exercises.


Afternoon Session

Explore workbook readings and insights relating to the archetype of the child (the Innocent), with optional writing exercises.

Optional debriefing session to help locate themes and patterns which can be used as the basis for writing about an event from your childhood.


Retreats NSW

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Boost Your Business

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Grow a conscious business and be part of the change.


Breath Work Retreat

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Career Retreat

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Couples Therapy Retreat

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Health Retreat

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Healing Retreat

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The healing retreat takes you through a range of modalities such as energetic healing, breathwork, transpersonal counselling & more.


Life Purpose Retreat

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Love Retreat

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Maiden to Mother Retreat

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An initiation to heal and move beyond the maiden phase of development

and into the strength and centreness of the mother.

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Men's Retreat / Women's Retreat

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Integrate your divine feminine and divine masculine to find inner wholeness,

sustain fulfilling relationships and obtain greater life direction.

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Mental Health Retreat

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A healing program that explores the mother/father wounding and other limiting imprints.


Midlife Crisis Retreat

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Mystical Retreat

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Rewilding Retreat

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Recalibrate with nature, technology, yourself & your place in the world.


Sacred Geometry Course 

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Create sacred geometry, learn the 9 numerology archetypes and explore your soul blueprint.

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Self Discovery Retreat

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A retreat centred around understanding yourself at the deepest level to integrate who you are with the life you live.


Self Love Retreat

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Our self-love retreat is ideal for singles working on relationship patterns and for those who could use some self care and greater appreciation for who they are & what they have to offer the world.


Silent Retreat

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Our silent retreats help you attain greater clarity through a calmer mind and clearer perspective.


Spiritual Awakening Retreat

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Spiritual RETREAT - learn more

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Yoga Retreat 

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blue mountains retreats

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