In order to understand the popularity of plant medicine, shamanism and alternative approaches to health and self-improvement a great resource one can explore is the 2020 documentary “AWARE – Glimpses of Consciousness.”
It looks at the science behind consciousness. A brain scientist, a plant behaviorist, a healer, a philosophy professor, a psychedelics scientist, and a Buddhist monk each offer their perspectives on the big questions such as:
What is consciousness? Is it in all living beings? Why are we predisposed for mystical experience? And what happens when we die?
Brain Scans & Relationship Insights
How many relationships do you know of that you would regard as high functioning and responsible for bringing out the best in each person?
Neuroscientist Bianca Acevedo and her colleagues took brain scans of people in long-term relationships and discovered that only 10% were fulfilling and happy.
Most people struggle to nurture the conditions necessary for a flourishing relationship and maintain interactions that result in passionate coupledom, which the researchers dubbed as ‘swans’.
“Our feeblest contemplations of the cosmos stir us, there is a tingling in the spine, a catch in the voice, a faint sensation, as if a distant memory, of falling from a height. We know we are approaching the greatest of mysteries.” - Carl Sagan.
If the celestial beauty of the universe evokes such a response in rationally minded scientists, consider what it awakens in those with an openness to the transpersonal.
In the language of astrology, the zodiac represents archetypal themes. Astrological ages change every 2150 years when the Earth's rotation moves into a new sign. There has been debate as to when the last shift occurred with many proclaiming 2012 as the time we left the Piscean age and moved into the Age of Aquarius. The solstice of December 21, 2020, saw Jupiter and Saturn conjoin in Aquarius with the Great Conjunction. In February of this year, seven celestial bodies move into Aquarius. One way or another, this archetype has come to the fore.
Aquarius is considered the most progressive and forward-thinking of the zodiac archetypes. Consider how much change there has been in terms of gender identity and acceptance of diversity around sexuality. It promotes a “we” mentality rather than an “I“ one.
The dancer and musician Gabrielle Roth shared some potent wisdom when she said
“In many shamanic societies, if you came to a medicine person complaining of being disheartened, dispirited, or depressed, they would ask one of four questions: When did you stop dancing? When did you stop singing? When did you stop being enchanted by stories? Especially the stories of your own life?”
As industry slows, nature grows more vibrant.
And as our industriousness wanes, so can our soul-sickness dissipate.
This morning I connected with an online group where we each spoke about what has changed in our lives since Covid. Many people shared the same responses.
‘I’ve had to stop and sit with myself rather than be distracted with busyness.’
‘For the first time in ages, I’ve gotten to do things I want to do rather than just fulfil obligations.’
‘It has allowed me to connect with my neighbours reminding me of what it was like 20 years ago before we all became strangers.’
People spoke of how clear the air was, how connected they felt and how peaceful life had become.
Collectively, we hoped that the gains we’ve made would stay once normality returned.
Beauty making was another theme. We were asked what creative work was rising within us and how we could help create a better world.
It reminded me of the glorious phrase Maggie Smith’s closed off with in “Good Bones”, a poem encouraging people not to be overwhelmed by the immensity of the issues we are facing:
“This place could be beautiful, right?
You could make this place beautiful.”
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