counselling blue mountains

Counselling Blue Mountains

Transpersonal counselling takes a big picture approach to our lives. One of the pioneers of the field was Carl Jung.

He was a transpersonal counsellor who witnessed a major shift in his patient’s issues after midlife.

During the first half of life, up until around age 40, we focus on careers, financial stability and relationships. Our focus is on gaining strength, confidence and stability.

Many people enter the midlife passage, or the second half of life, with a career, a family, friends and feel something is acutely missing. Our desire for wholeness asserts itself.

Jung reflected on the many patients he worked with. He came be believe that more than 9 out of every 10 clients he saw over the age of 40, were seeing him due to a spiritual crisis, or hunger for greater meaning.

My exposure to psychotherapy began when I was 20. Fortunately, I found my way to a transpersonal counsellor. The holistic approach helped realign my body, thoughts and feelings. It also caused me to train to be a holistic counsellor.

Having entered the midlife passage myself, I find that integrative psychology brings about the greatest and most lasting change in the people I work with.

Often we get shamed in our culture for making mistakes. Integrative therapy takes a wholly different approach, seeing our journey through life and all our experiences as part of the larger process of spiritual development. As Jung pointed out:

“The right way to wholeness is made up of fateful detours and wrong turnings.”


Blue Mountains Counselling

blue mountains counseling

Personal Counselling


Individual counselling or empowerment therapy is a great opportunity to work through the approval vs authenticity struggle we face, as well as a means to have someone with fresh eyes talk with you about your self-actualisation. Counselling services have often been viewed as something to draw on in a crisis. These days, we’re regarding it also as a valuable part of our wellness and self-care.

“Be yourself; no base imitator of another, but your best self.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson



relationship counselling

Relationship Counselling


Among the tension of opposites we are asked to integrate, perhaps none is more difficult than pull between intimacy and independence. I offer face-to-face relationship counselling in Sydney for those wanting counselling for couples, a wonderful opportunity to harmonise such an important aspect of our lives.

“Why is love rich beyond all other possible human experiences and a sweet burden to those seized in its grasp?” - Martin Heidegger



family counselling

Family Counselling


I offer family counselling (not parenting counselling) in terms of working through relationships with one’s parents. Maintaining healthy boundaries with parents is one of the most common reasons people come to see me. Recognising what are your core values (vs inherited values) is a primary task towards individuation. I draw on narrative therapy to help people locate their scripts and change them.

"It's your life – but only if you make it so. When you adopt the values of someone else you surrender your own integrity. You become, to the extent of your surrender, less of a human being." - Eleanor Roosevelt



transpersonal counselling

Transpersonal Counselling


You might have a great relationship with yourself, your family and a partner but still feel there is more growth to realise. As a transpersonal counsellor, I draw on my intuitive counselling skills to help you discover what larger story is trying to emerge in you.

“Since I have served the expectations of my culture, reproduced my species, become a socially productive citizen and taxpayer, what now? What, in short, is the second half of life about—the time today between 35 and nearly 90 years—if it is not to repeat the script and expectations of the first half of life?” - James Hollis

Holistic Counsellor

blue mountains counselling


The mythologist Joseph Campbell once said, ‘It is by going down into the abyss that we recover the treasures of life. Where you stumble, there lies your treasure.’

I entered my 20s battling depression and an eating disorder.

Talking therapy (traditional counselling) was unable to help me and so I turned to transpersonal counselling.

The therapist asked me to find out the details of my birth. Being born 3 weeks late, the placenta stopped working effectively, interfering with my ability to receive the same amount of nutrients and oxygen I was used to. He suggested it was that disconnection that induced my depression and sense of always feeling hungry.

After a few more sessions my eating disorder stopped and never returned.

Working as a hairdresser at the time, I viewed my work as not merely a service to offer but an opportunity to listen to people and recognise how much we can learn from one another.

Carl Jung once said that “the doctor is effective only when he himself is affected. Only the wounded physician heals.”

After several years of working on my self-development, I opened a hair salon that doubled as a healing practice.

Complementing my time with clients I began formal studies in youth work, community services and a bachelor of social work to offer the techniques and insights of contemporary psychology.


 Blue Mountains Counselling Services 

blue mountains counselling services

I operate out of my holistic counselling centre in the Blue Mountains (Katoomba), as well as offer online counselling, phone counselling and travel for Sydney counselling services or counselling in Penrith.

Counselling Services

  • Grief counselling / Grief therapy

  • Couples counselling / Relationship counselling / Marriage counselling

  • Holistic counselling / Integrative counselling

  • Infertility counselling

  • Family counselling

  • Spiritual Counselling / Transpersonal counselling / Existential therapy

  • Self love counselling

  • Trauma counselling


Healing Retreat

counselling in penrith 

The healing retreat takes you through a range of modalities such as energetic healing, breathwork, transpersonal counselling & more.


Career Advice

Wanting to find greater alignment and passion for your work? Read an extract from The Different Drummer to see if this ebook resonates with you.

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Blue Mountains Counseling

  • Blue Mountains Counseling

    Ginny is a very generous and caring counsellor who gives 200 percent to supporting you with your challenge. I left the call feeling more grounded and with clarity on my next steps. Definitely recommend her if you're in need of some warm and loving guidance. - Ischa R

  • Transpersonal Counsellor

    Ginny is an amazing and knowledgeable practitioner. She holds and creates a beautiful space for her clients to go deep and release trauma, whilst also providing a very clear understanding on the forces that were at play. - Mark A

  • Counselling Katoomba

    I've tried a couple of places locally for Blue Mountains counselling and was recommended to see Ginny. She is a wonderful holistic counsellor who masterfully looks at your real world issues and weaves in a spiritual perspective. It helped me step back from myself and feel a lot more inner peace about some of the struggles I'm going through. If you're after a female counselor with a great wealth of insights you can't go wrong. - Michael R

  • Spiritual Counselling

    After visiting you I have deepened my exploration of spirituality, the universe, truth and my life's purpose. I have found it challenging to face terrible truths and isolating at times, but ultimately I can sense a freedom that lies ahead. A freedom from social conditioning, expectations, the grips of my ego, and of old habits and patterns that were unconscious and that I am now starting to shine a conscious light on. It has been such a wonderful experience starting to get out of my head and connect with my intuition. I am starting to feel a connection to myself that I know now has always been available to me. Thank you for doing what you do! I'm so grateful to have met you because I think in a way you gave me the green light to start on this journey of exploration into the unknown. - Natalie D

  • Transpersonal Counselling

    Ginny is supremely intuitive and a terrific communicator with enormous compassion. Once you find someone this good, you don't let them go! Thank you so much, Ginny, for helping me find my direction. - Wendy G

  • Katoomba Counselling

    Ginny’s work is a ‘must’ pit stop for anyone feeling stuck. Highly recommended! - Debra W

  • Penrith Counselling

    Having counselling with Ginny was a very insightful experience. I love the positivity and inspiration she carries.- Sarah S

  • Spiritual Counselling Sydney

    Through Ginny's kind, open and genuine energy, she created an environment that was judgement free and safe to explore my deep inner self. - Craig D

  • Marriage Counselling Blue Mountains

    Ginny is an angel on earth. She took the time to listen and analyse our situation and helped us in the most spiritual, emotional, practical and holistic way. - Mira

  • Holistic Counsellor

    Holistic counselling with Ginny helped me shift things internally. I highly recommend seeing her, she's a lovely, friendly lady who makes you feel at home - Kasia T

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