Why Go On A Retreat?

retreat wellness


Definition: the act or process of dissolving: separation into component parts, decay, disintegration.

Having grown up on a sheep farm, Mike continued his family’s heritage until the invention of synthetic fibre decimated the wool industry in the late 1970s’.

Financial stress followed and soon his marriage collapsed. At age 40 he found himself in the thick of a midlife crisis and suffocating depression.


why go on a wellness retreat

Belly of the Whale

Definition: the stage of a hero's journey during which the hero symbolically dies and then must be reborn.

A backpacker visiting his farm told him about a retreat centre in California that helped him through his own dark night of the soul.

In 1979 Mike took a chance and went abroad in search of a ray of light. While visiting Esalen he found a renewed sense of hope. He also met a chap who built yurts for a living.



Definition: A period of new life, growth, or activity; a revival.

The yurt builder offered to visit Mike in Australia and teach him how to make yurts.

It led to him discovering a real passion. In time, he created a yurt farm on his property which gave kids a unique camp experience be it milking a cow, getting electricity from the sun and wind or introducing them to natural building.

In his mid 80s’ he’s still doing what he loves with a supportive partner.

Being open to his mini pilgrimage to a retreat proved the catalyst to reshape his life.


Wellness Retreats Reviews

Self Discovery Retreat

self discovery retreat

Retreats for Self Discovery

There is a fine balance between living an unexamined life and going to the extremes of ascetism. 

Ultimately, gaining greater self-understand should translate into practical action whereby the circumstances of your life grow more closely aligned to your most deeply held values and passions. 

This personal development retreat is designed to draw out your truest essence and explore how you can develop a better relationship with yourself, loved ones and actualise your career dreams.

Self Discovery Retreats Workshops

self discovery retreats
retreats for self discovery
sacred space provides a great opportunity for self-exploration
self discovery retreats workshops
Nestled in bushland, find Tranquility within the retreat space and outside it
self discovery weekend retreat
within walking distance of the healing Mini Ha Ha waterfall

Self Discovery Weekend Retreat

Self Discovery Retreats 2022

Program Outline:

Day 1 - Guiding Lights

self discovery retreats 2021

Morning Session

The program begins by having you determine your values and explore which areas of life they are aligning with and which areas they are lacking expression.

In order to live a rich life, everything about who you are must be one, in alignment, and in pure harmony. ~ Suze Orman

Mid Morning Session

In the second session, you’ll define your deepest passions, strengths and intelligences then contemplate how your career is helping or impeding the development and expression of these.

It is a pleasure to witness a human being doing what she or he was meant to do. We delight when we see a parent who truly loves taking care of children. There is such a sense of fit. ~ Scott M. Peck 


Afternoon Session

This session will delve into your soul blueprint. To create a masterpiece a builder will follow the specifications of architects and engineers. Understanding our metaphysical design adds a deeper layer to self-understanding than simply heeding our rational minds.

Computer Science: A study akin to numerology and astrology, but lacking the precision of the former and the success of the latter. ~ Stan Bootle

Mid Afternoon Session

The final session is centred around developmental psychology to explore the key changes and motivations surrounding the decade of life you currently sit in. You'll find it both illuminating and affirming to recognise that the changes you're going through are universal. Here you'll learn how others have navigated the life phase you're experiencing.

Our task is intimately related to our personal conflicts, we must court sickness, failure, or insanity in order to test the alternative whether the established world will crush us, or whether we will disestablish a sector of this world's outworn fundaments and make place for a new one.
~ Erik H. Erikson

There is an optional waterfall walk for you to do at the end of the day. Exercise and time in nature allows you time to contemplate the days’ learnings.

Dinner (or the option for you to take in one of the local dining facilities)

There are a range of optional evening activities for you to enjoy, such as listening to or reading poetry, life stories, or enjoying a thought-provoking film or inspiring documentary.

Day 2 - Confronting Shadow

individual retreat

Start your day with an optional meditation and/or yoga session.


Morning Session

In this first session, you’ll explore your blindspots. Conditioning that first occurs in our childhoods carries into our adult development. Awareness of our recurring stumbling blocks allows us to own and then transform our shadow aspect.

Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate. ~ Carl Jung

Mid Morning Session

Here we will delve into love and relationships. Whether you’re in a partnership or single, this session is designed to help you strip away areas holding you back in relationships, while offering ideas on how to cultivate greater self-love and healthier attitudes and beliefs around love.

Today, we turn to one person to provide what an entire village once did. Is it any wonder that so many relationships crumble under the weight of it all? ~ Esther Perel


Afternoon Session

We'll return to the sister sciences of astrology and numerology to illuminate our challenging aspects and explore karmic carry over from past lives. Understanding your makeup and the themes you’ve chosen to work on in this lifetime provide greater focus as well as self-acceptance.

As long as you consider the stars as something above the head, you will lack the eye of knowledge. - Friedrich Nietzsche

Mid Afternoon Session

The final session involves finding balance between the active and receptive, or masculine and feminine. Learning where we have suppressed aspects of each, or over activated them, plays an integral role in being able to align who we are with our relationships and our vocational expression.

When the Sacred Masculine is combined with the Sacred Feminine inside each of us, we create the ‘sacred marriage’ of compassion and passion in ourselves. ~ Matthew Fox

spiritual retreat nsw

Included in your package is an optional stand up paddleboarding session, mountain bike ride or bush walk at the end of day 1 of your program (weather permitting).

Cost: $590 for a 2 day program *$50 discount on a weekday retreat

Inclusions: Accommodation, meals, workbooks, counselling and activities. 

Optional session with a bibliotherapist. Learn more about our bibliotherapy service.

Location: Katoomba, Blue Mountains NSW


Affordable Wellness Retreats NSW

  • Personal Development Retreat
  • Memoir Writing Retreat
  • Small Business Development
  • Life Purpose Retreat
  • Blue Mountains Wellness Retreat
  • Finding Your Purpose Retreat
  • Creative Retreat
  • Personal Development Retreat

    What a wonderful little place to recenter! I was warmly welcomed and was shown to my cute little cabin that was warm, cute and cosy. Over the course of two days I gained so much clarity around my circumstances back home with the guidance of Marcus and his workbooks, numerology and astrology readings which really confirmed how important it is to stay in alignment with who you are and how your chart and numbers can show you this then on to Ginny who is such a warm beautiful soul that is so easy to connect with on all levels. I was given a beautiful tarot reading and the best reiki session I have ever had! If you need a break or help with the direction your life is going this is the place for you :)- Christina H.
  • Memoir Writing Retreat

    When I arrived at your retreat space to work individually with you I had a draft of my story which to me seemed a little dull and probably incomplete. The question of bigger narratives revealed itself as we discussed my life events and also explored other tools focusing on the idea that we each have a life path we explore. You helped me to identify themes that I had barely thought of. With unsurpassed patience, you read through my draft word by word and along the way you shared insights that now “must” be included in the book - they are all so vital. Now as I look back over this week, I am in absolute awe of the themes you have highlighted. I have work to do - but I am excited and can’t wait to begin to incorporate them! Marcus, you have given me such a valuable gift - I feel uplifted because of the “truths” we discovered together and emboldened by your words as I embark on this next stage. I greatly appreciate all that you have given me and your great generosity of spirit, - Ros.
  • Small Business Development

    After taking part in the Writes of passage 'Birth your Business' retreat in the lovely setting of Katoomba in the Blue Mountains, I can't speak highly enough of Marcus and his program. I was so impressed and grateful to Marcus for his thorough mentorship as he offers a fountain of experience and information about getting your business off the ground and into the digital world. If you have a business idea that you would like to share with the world but are confused about how to get started than this is the program you need to take. - Anthony M
  • Life Purpose Retreat

    We had a great weekend attending the Life Purpose Retreat. Such a pleasure to meet people like Marcus and Ginny. Both of them are very experienced and provide a lot of knowledge to help you out and give you some clarity on your new path way. - Tal G.
  • Blue Mountains Wellness Retreat

    I recently participated in a two-day writer's retreat at Katoomba, which Marcus readily adapted to my circumstances. I've found Marcus to be insightful and easy to talk with and in seeking a different way of expressing my life thoughts, has enhanced and encouraged me. I'm planning on having ongoing consultations with Marcus. I recommend him to any other writers. - Peter H
  • Finding Your Purpose Retreat

    Marcus was very helpful in getting me to understand why various parts of my life had impacted me the way they had, and how to move forward in the best way possible for not only myself but those in my close relationships. - Nic E
  • Creative Retreat

    The retreat was exactly what I needed. My facilitator was calming and knowledgeable. I felt completely heard and understood. The round dwelling house is filled with heart warming art, books, cards and yoga/meditation items. I decided to switch off from the outside world and found a wealth of various teachings on my consciousness journey. The fresh wholesome food provided was delicious. I was also given plenty of time to myself to soak everything in my own time. I will definitely be back for many of the other events or retreats available here. I highly recommend it. ~ Sage M

Retreats NSW

Combine a trip to the Blue Mountains with one of our range of wellness retreats

Art Retreat

art retreats

Discover your creative potential and explore a variety of artistic mediums


Astrology Retreat

astrology retreat

An introduction to astrology where you learn about the zodiacs planets, signs, houses and how they impact one another.


Birth Your Business Retreat

business retreat

A new small business is started every 100 seconds. Learn how to take your passions and make your livelihood doing what you love.


Boost Your Business

courses on how to start your own business

Grow a conscious business and be part of the change.


Breath Work Retreat

breath work retreat 

Intensive 2 and 3 day breathwork programs to help you release trauma and energy blockages.


Career Retreat

career retreat

Take a mini sabbatical to determine your ideal career & how to actualise it.

career retreat information

Couples Therapy Retreat

couple counselling retreats

A program to enrich or revive one's relationship.


Family Constellations

Family Constellations workshop

Explore your Internal Family Systems to liberate yourself from inherited beliefs and intergenerational trauma.

Family Constellation Workshop INFORMATION

Health Retreat

health retreats in nsw

Our health retreat takes a holistic approach to optimise your body, mind and emotional health.


Healing Retreat

healing retreat 

The healing retreat takes you through a range of modalities such as energetic healing, breathwork, transpersonal counselling & more.


Life Purpose Retreat

life purpose retreat

Finding your life purpose is like the hub of a wheel, everything radiates out from it.


Love Retreat

love retreat

Instead of gaming love, master the game of love by understanding your core needs and the stumbling blocks between you and a lasting, enriching connection.


Maiden to Mother Retreat

 womens healing retreats

An initiation to heal and move beyond the maiden phase of development

and into the strength and centreness of the mother.

maiden to mother retreat INFORMATION

Men's Retreat / Women's Retreat

 mens retreat

Integrate your divine feminine and divine masculine to find inner wholeness,

sustain fulfilling relationships and obtain greater life direction.

Mens RETREAT / Womens retreat INFORMATION

Mental Health Retreat

mental health retreat

A healing program that explores the mother/father wounding and other limiting imprints.


Midlife Crisis Retreat

midlife crisis retreat

Midlife crisis presents us with a great opportunity to transition from the morning of life into the afternoon of life.

Midlife Crisis Retreat information

Mystical Retreat

mystical retreat

A week long intensive where you learn astrology, numerology, tarot & sacred geometry.


Rewilding Retreat

rewild retreats 

Recalibrate with nature, technology, yourself & your place in the world.


Sacred Geometry Course 

sacred geometry course

Create sacred geometry, learn the 9 numerology archetypes and explore your soul blueprint.

sacred geometry workshop INFORMATION

Self Discovery Retreat

self discovery retreat

A retreat centred around understanding yourself at the deepest level to integrate who you are with the life you live.


Self Love Retreat

solo retreat 

Our self-love retreat is ideal for singles working on relationship patterns and for those who could use some self care and greater appreciation for who they are & what they have to offer the world.


Silent Retreat

silent retreats blue mountains  

Our silent retreats help you attain greater clarity through a calmer mind and clearer perspective.


Spiritual Awakening Retreat

spiritual awakening retreats Australia

A program to explore spiritual awakening and the process of understanding & expressing your soul aspect.

Spiritual RETREAT - learn more

Tarot Retreat

tarot retreat

A Jungian retreat exploring the major arcana #0-3.

Depth psychology & archetypal integration through a tarot course.

tarot course INFORMATION

Wealth Retreat

wealth retreats

Take a holistic approach to money management and the psychology of money.


Wellbeing Retreat

wellbeing retreats  

A holistic retreat involving creative expression, life guidance, relationship exploration & a range of activities such as astrology/numerology readings, tarot, breathwork, transpersonal counselling & more.


Writing Retreat

writing retreat

Each of us has a unique and interesting story to share. This program looks at writing your life story beginning with childhood.

Writing Retreat information

Writing Retreat (Adolescence)

nsw writers retreat

 We each have an interesting and story to share. This program looks at writing your life story with an exploration of adolescence.


Yoga Retreat 

blue mountains yoga retreat

Discover eastern wisdoms such as yoga, mediation, chakras, ayurveda and more.


blue mountains retreats

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