sister circle

Sister Circle

Sister Circle Ceremony

Reading tarot at functions, girls weekends and hens nights allows me to work with a large number of amazing women. One of the downsides, however, is only having a small amount of time with people, which can limit the scope for healing, transformation and deep connection.

Having been involved with a number of Sacred Women’s Circles I have come to realise the power of adopting the rites of passage model that traditional cultures have drawn on for centuries. Traditionally, this pre-marriage ritual has been viewed as an integral step in the maiden-to-mother cycle of maturation.

Creating a sacred space of sisterhood is a far more life-affirming way to celebrate the initiation from single lady to married woman than the dispiriting ritual of drinking-till-you-drop while ogling a stripper.

Honouring the sacred feminine in a bride-to-be helps her clarify the impending journey, farewell the single life and its lessons, strengthens the bond of a bride-to-be’s support network and assists a safe passage toward a more meaningful and uplifting wedding ceremony.

sisterhood circles

Soul Sister Circle

Marking New Beginnings

When it comes to passages for women, one of the most critical stages in our development is separating ourselves from the dependence and security of our parents’.

Clarissa Pinkola Estes asserted that “A healthy woman is much like a wolf: robust, chock-full, strong life force, life-giving, territorially aware, inventive, loyal and roving.” In the wild, lone wolves don’t tend to fare so well away from their pack. Hence the need to help a bride-to-be transition from parental dependence and independence toward the counter-dependency of a healthy relationship rather than the prevailing alternative of codependence.

Poet Kahlil Gibran once admonished couples to, “Stand together, yet not too near together: For the pillars of the temple stand apart, And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other's shadow.”

Having moved away from the support that tribal cultures offered to individuals, couples are now carrying the unendurable weight of expectation to be one another’s everything. By revisiting the ancient idea of forming a support circle for new brides, a bride-to-be experiences and understands the need for valuable space from their beloved, while enlisting the wisdom and care of their soul sisters.

Together we will craft a customised Sister Circle Ceremony that honours your unique heritage and values.

Womens Circle

The Setting

In a warm, intimate and safe environment we will:

  • Learn the power of the Wild Woman Archetype
  • Explore how to fine-tune our intuition
  • Experience the power of a nurturing women’s circle
  • Honour the bride-to-be and participate in rituals to mark this important rite of passage

sister circle ceremony

To Find Out More Or To Make a Booking

Sisterhood Circles - What Clients Are Saying

  • Sisterhood Circles

    Thank you Ginny for bringing my closest sisters and me into a place that honoured my transition from Miss to Mrs. I felt called to this circle because it gave my sisters and me the opportunity to journey deeper into ourselves, finding gifts of wisdom and insight that I may take with me on my lifelong journey with my husband to be. I absolutely loved how you facilitated the group! The atmosphere was warm, inviting and gave the sisters a safe space to connect, be honest and vulnerable. The sister ceremony represented who I am, its imprint has offered me unconditional support, love and given me the strength to walk courageously into the doorway of relationship. - Zainab N
  • Goddess Circle

    Ginny holds the space beautifully so everyone gets the opportunity to go on the journey they need. Highly recommend her. - Annika S
  • Womens Circle

    Ginny is amazing facilitator. Ginny makes you feel welcomed and helps you in your sacred place.- Nev K

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The Shell Must Break Before The Bird Can Fly - Tennyson

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