Price: 590.00

Wellbeing Retreats

A two day wellbeing retreat to help you recharge and reconnect with yourself. 

  • Rejuvenate in a Blue Mountains bushland setting

  • Experience life purpose and relationship counselling 

  • Enjoy activities that engage your body, mind and spirit 

  • Receive tarot readings, energy treatments and other modalities of healing

Book your two day experience and I'll arrange with you a date for you to attend.

*A midweek retreat saves $50 off weekend programs

wellbeing retreat australia

“We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.”

― Joseph Campbell

 INFO ABOUT the wellbeing RETREAT

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Career Counselling, Life Purpose Guidance, Writing Programs & Self-Development Retreats

Call 0402 959 946


Pages On Our Site

A Different Drummer (Career Advice)

Break Your Shell (Tarot/Healing)

Holistic Health (Reflexology/Health Coaching)

Polaris (Numerology/Astrology)

Shop (Full List of Services)

Writes Of Passage (Writing Retreats & Courses)



Follow Your Own Beat & Lead An Extraordinary Life